Remobjects DataAbstract VCL v7.0.65.1067 Retail

时间:2016-05-23 03:11:01
文件名称:Remobjects DataAbstract VCL v7.0.65.1067 Retail
更新时间:2016-05-23 03:11:01
Delphi RemObjects DataAbstract Your Data, Everywhere. Today, it's all about the data. Data Abstract is the leading framework for secure, safe, and scalable data access across all the different platforms you might be building client applications for. Whether you are creating business applications for the enterprise, or the latest mobile application with central data storage in the cloud — Data Abstract provides you with the tools to implement both your scalable server tier and the data access inside your client applications — on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and just about everywhere else. Data Abstract is available for developers using .NET/Mono, Xcode, Delphi, Java/Android and javascript.
RemObjects Data Abstract for Delphi -


  • 下载后可安装,但安装后在菜单中无法出现。
  • 好,可以使用。
  • 可以安装,正常使用中
  • 未注册的版本
  • 不是最新版本
  • 可以正常使用
  • 需要自己再编译
  • 不是最新版本的啊!
  • 安装后,Delphi中无任何动静,是否还有在delphi中手动安装?
  • 不是最新版本的啊!