Avant - Clean and Responsive Bootstrap 3.1 Admin

时间:2017-05-14 03:53:08
文件名称:Avant - Clean and Responsive Bootstrap 3.1 Admin
更新时间:2017-05-14 03:53:08
Avant bootstrap3 Responsive Admin Avant is a beautifully coded fully featured admin panel theme ready to be implemented in the back end of your application, as an intranet theme, or your next web application! The theme is lightweight and responsive powered by the latest Bootstrap 3 framework. It comes with a UX-friendly clean and intuitive design that gets out of your way in favour of substance. With an extended variable.less file you can customize the theme infinitely without even touching a single line of code. There is a large number of plugins provided and already tailored towards the theme so they blend in. A mobile first responsive approach with off-canvas menu and touch support makes the theme work beautifully in a large number of screen sizes – from smart phones and tablets, to large screens. 演示地址:http://redteamux.com/avant/index.php


  • 下载下来用了下,还不错,很好的资源,谢谢分享!
  • 模板相当好,但后来没有用到,参考了模板的风格,自己又改了改,感谢分享
  • 很全面的模板了,完全可用
  • 用得不错,很好的一个模板
  • 虽然需要积分有点高,但是对比起要付费还是值得
  • 模板很好用··· 点赞~
  • 用得不错,很好的一个模板
  • 还不错,就是版本较落后
  • 很好用,很专业。
  • 用得不错,很好的一个模板。
  • 很全面的模板了,完全可用
  • 还好,很漂亮,给力
  • 模板还是不错的,只是版本不够新了。