Concurrency In Go: Tools And Techniques For Developers PDF

时间:2020-09-27 17:14:55
文件名称:Concurrency In Go: Tools And Techniques For Developers PDF
更新时间:2020-09-27 17:14:55
Concurrency In Go PDF 1,非扫描。2,纯英文。3,PDF格式。4,带目录。 Perface: “Hey, welcome to Concurrency in Go! I’m delighted that you’ve picked up this book and excited to join you in exploring the topic of concurrency in Go over the next six chapters! Go is a wonderful language. When it was first announced and birthed into the world, I remember exploring it with great interest: it was terse, compiled incredibly fast, performed well, supported duck typing, and — to my delight — I found working with its concurrency primitives to be intuitive. The first time I used the go keyword to create a goroutine (something we’ll cover, I promise!) I got this silly grin on my face. I had worked with concurrency in several languages, but I had never worked in a language that made concurrency so easy (which is not to say they don’t exist; I just hadn’t used any). I had found my way to Go. Over the years I moved from writing personal scripts ” ......


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