JACOBI computes eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix

时间:2022-11-27 19:39:16
文件名称:JACOBI computes eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix
更新时间:2022-11-27 19:39:16
matlab JACOBI computes eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix [d,rot,Z,V]=Jacobi(A) computes the eigenvalues d and eigenvectors V of the symmetric matrix A. d=Jacobi(A) computes only the eigenvalues without accumulating the vectors. Only the upper triangular triu(A,1) of the matrix A is used. rot counts the rotations and Z stores the sum of the absolute values of the off diagonal elements after each sweep. Jacobi is a translation of the ALGOL 60 Procedure of H. Rutishauser from the Handbook Wilkinson-Reinsch: Linear Algebra.
