Hacking Exposed Wireless

时间:2012-08-05 11:06:42
文件名称:Hacking Exposed Wireless
更新时间:2012-08-05 11:06:42
hack Product Description Secure Your Wireless Networks the Hacking Exposed Way Defend against the latest pervasive and devastating wireless attacks using the tactical security information contained in this comprehensive volume. Hacking Exposed Wireless reveals how hackers zero in on susceptible networks and peripherals, gain access, and execute debilitating attacks. Find out how to plug security holes in Wi-Fi/802.11 and Bluetooth systems and devices. You’ll also learn how to launch wireless exploits from Metasploit, employ bulletproof authentication and encryption, and sidestep insecure wireless hotspots. The book includes vital details on new, previously unpublished attacks alongside real-world countermeasures. Understand the concepts behind RF electronics, Wi-Fi/802.11, and Bluetooth Find out how hackers use NetStumbler, WiSPY, Kismet, KisMAC, and AiroPeek to target vulnerable wireless networks Defend against WEP key brute-force, aircrack, and traffic injection hacks Crack WEP at new speeds using Field Programmable Gate Arrays or your spare PS3 CPU cycles Prevent rogue AP and certificate authentication attacks Perform packet injection from Linux Launch DoS attacks using device driver-independent tools Exploit wireless device drivers using the Metasploit 3.0 Framework Identify and avoid malicious hotspots Deploy WPA/802.11i authentication and encryption using PEAP, FreeRADIUS, and WPA pre-shared keys About the Author Johnny Cache received his Masters in Computer Science from the Naval Postgraduate School in 2006. His thesis work, which focused on fingerprinting 802.11 device drivers, won the Gary Kildall award for the most innovative computer science thesis. Johnny wrote his first program on a Tandy 128K color computer sometime in 1988. Since then he has spoken at several security conferences including BlackHat, BlueHat, and ToorCon. He has also released a number of papers related to 802.11 security, and is the author of many wireless tools. Most of his wireless utilities are included in the Airbase suite, available at 802.11mercenary.net. Vincent Liu , CISSP is the Managing Director at Stach & Liu, a professional services firm providing IT security consulting to the Fortune 500, national law firms, and global financial institutions. Before founding Stach & Liu, Vincent led the Attack & Penetration and Reverse Engineering teams for the Global Security unit at Honeywell International. Prior to that, he was a consultant with the Ernst & Young Advanced Security Centers and an analyst at the National Security Agency. Vincent is a developer for the Metasploit Project and an experienced speaker, having presented his research at conferences including BlackHat, ToorCon, and Microsoft BlueHat. Vincent has been published in interviews, journals, and books with highlights including: Penetration Tester’s Open Source Toolkit; Writing Security Tools and Exploits; Sockets, and Shellcode, Porting, and Coding. Vincent holds a Bachelor of Science and Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania with a major in Computer Science and Engineering and a minor in Psychology.


  • 完全看不明白的样子,重新找下好了
  • 虽然不是第二版,但还是谢谢分享。 相比第二版(看过中文书),还是缺少了一些内容。