Real World Haskell PDF

时间:2018-03-23 02:45:17
文件名称:Real World Haskell PDF
更新时间:2018-03-23 02:45:17
Real World Haskell PDF 在线文档的PDF版本,转制日期为20150301。
----Chapter 21. Working with databases.pdf(158KB)
----Chapter 01. Getting started.pdf(201KB)
----Appendix B. Characters, strings, and escaping rules.pdf(108KB)
----Chapter 14. Monads.pdf(287KB)
----Chapter 15. Programming with monads.pdf(220KB)
----Chapter 11. Testing and quality assurance.pdf(184KB)
----Chapter 28. Software transactional memory.pdf(172KB)
----Appendix A. Installing GHC and Haskell libraries.pdf(544KB)
----Chapter 19. Error handling.pdf(201KB)
----Chapter 20. Systems programming.pdf(196KB)
----Appendix C. Web site and comment system usage and policies.pdf(89KB)
----Chapter 12. Barcode recognition.pdf(357KB)
----Chapter 07. Input and output.pdf(260KB)
----Chapter 10. Code case study, parsing a binary data format.pdf(197KB)
----Chapter 17. The foreign function interface.pdf(189KB)
----Chapter 00. Why functional programming, Why Haskell.pdf(149KB)
----Chapter 22. Web client programming.pdf(135KB)
----Chapter 26. Advanced library design, building a Bloom filter.pdf(263KB)
----Chapter 27. Network programming.pdf(125KB)
----Chapter 05. Writing a library, working with JSON data.pdf(230KB)
----Chapter 13. Data structures.pdf(211KB)
----Chapter 09. IO case study, a library for searching the filesystem.pdf(210KB)
----Chapter 18. Monad transformers.pdf(182KB)
----Chapter 04. Functional programming.pdf(334KB)
----Chapter 06. Using typeclasses.pdf(270KB)
----Chapter 16. The Parsec parsing library.pdf(205KB)
----Chapter 25. Profiling and tuning for performance.pdf(209KB)
----Chapter 03. Defining types, streamlining functions.pdf(273KB)
----Chapter 23. GUI programming.pdf(204KB)
----Chapter 08. Efficient file processing, regular expressions, and file name matching.pdf(216KB)
----Chapter 24. Basic concurrent and parallel programming.pdf(257KB)
----Chapter 02. Types and functions.pdf(240KB)


  • 帮助很大,感谢分享
  • 这本书有点老,可以结合haskell趣学指南,这本有介绍函子性
  • 感谢感谢感谢感谢感谢感谢
  • 非常感谢,正在学习Haskell。
  • 没有仔细往下看 不过翻了一遍目录 感觉不错
  • 很好的资料,对于初学者来说很详细,谢了