Discrete and Computational Geometry

时间:2016-01-03 17:19:16
文件名称:Discrete and Computational Geometry
更新时间:2016-01-03 17:19:16
Geometry Math Mathematics Although geometry is as old as mathematics itself, discrete geometry only fully emerged in the twentieth century, and computational geometry was only christened in the late 1970s. The terms “discrete” and “computational” fit well together, as the geometry must be discretized in preparation for computations. “Discrete” here means concentration on finite sets of points, lines, triangles, and other geometric objects, and is used to contrast with “continuous” geometry, for example, smooth surfaces. Although the two endeavors were growing naturally on their own, it has been the interaction between discrete and computational geometry that has generated the most excitement, with each advance in one field spurring an advance in the other. The interaction also draws upon two traditions: theoretical pursuits in pure mathematics and applicationsdriven directions often arising in computer science. The confluence has made the topic an ideal bridge between mathematics and computer science. It is precisely to bridge that gap that we have written this book.


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