JavaScript Applications with Node.js, React, React Native and MongoDB

时间:2022-01-28 15:50:21
文件名称:JavaScript Applications with Node.js, React, React Native and MongoDB
更新时间:2022-01-28 15:50:21
JavaScript JavaScript Applications with Node.js, React, React Native and MongoDB: Design, code, test, deploy and manage in Amazon AWS By 作者: Eric Bush ISBN-10 书号: 0997196661 ISBN-13 书号: 9780997196665 出版日期: 2018-07-07 pages 页数: 445 JavaScript Applications with Node.js, React, React Native and MongoDB: Design, code, test, deploy and manage in Amazon AWS JavaScript is more popular than ever. This is due to the huge developer community and it being used in every layer of an application technology stack. This book will teach you how to develop JavaScript applications with simple to use, yet powerful JavaScript technologies and host everything in the cloud in an economic and robust way in AWS. Enjoy an all-encompassing presentation of theory, reference and implementation for building three-tier architectures with a Data Layer (MongoDB), Service Layer (Node.js/Express) and Presentation Layer (React/React Native). Learn how to architect, develop, test, secure, deploy and manage a RESTful Web Service. Contents Preface About the Author Introduction PART I: The Data Laver(MongoDB) Chapter 1: Fundamentals 1.1Definition of the Data Layer 1.2 Data layer design process 1.3Introducing MongoDB 1.4The MongoDB Collection 1.5The MongoDB Document Chapter2: Data Modeling 2.1 Referencing or Embedding Data 2.2When to use Referencing 2.3 Reference Relationship Patterns 2.4AHybrid Approach 2.5 Differentiating Document Types 2.6Running Out of Space in a Database 2.7 Access Control Chapter 3: Querving for Documents 3.1Query Criteria 3-2Proiection criteria 3.3 Querving Polymorphic Documents in a Single Collection Chapter 4: Updating Documents 4.1Update operators 4.2Array Update Operators 4.3Transactions Chapter 5: Managing Availability and Performance 5.1Indexing 5.2Availability through Replication 5.3 Sharding Chapter 6: NewsWatcher App Development 6.1 Create the Database and Collection 6.2 Data Model Document Design 6.3Trving Out Some Queries 5.4Indexing Policy 6.5Moving On Chapter 7: DevOps for MongoDB 7.1Monitoring through the Atlas Management Portal 7.2 The Blame Game 7.3Backup and Recovery PART II: The Service Laver (Node. is) Chapter 8: Fundamentals 8.1Definition of the Service Laver 8.2 Introducing Node. is 8.3Basic Concepts of Programming Node 8.4Node. is Module Design 8.5 Useful Node Modules Chapter 9: Espress 9.1The Express Basics 9.2Express Request Routing 9.3. Express Middleware 9.4Express Request Object 9.5 Express Response Obiect 9.6Template Response Sending Chapter 1o: The MongoDB Module 10.1Basic CRUD Operations 10.2 Aggregation Functionality 10.3 What About an ODM/ORM? 10.4Concurrency Problems Chapter 11: Advanced Node Concepts 11.1How to Schedule Code to Run 11.2How to Be RESTful 11.3How to Secure Access 11.4How to Mitigate Attacks 11.5Understanding Node Internals 11.6 How to Scale Node Chapter 12: NewsWatcher App Development 12.1Install the Necessary Tools 12.2Create an Express Application 12.3Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk 12.4Basic Project Structure 12.5Where it All Starts(server. is) 12.6AMongoDB Document to Hold News Stories 12.7ACentral Place for Configuration C. en) 12.8 HTTP/Rest Web Service API 12.9 Session Resource Routing (routes/session. js) 12.10 Authorization Token Module (routes/authHelper. is) 12.11User Resource Routing (routes/users. is) 12.12 Home News Routing (routes/homeNews. is) 12.13Shared News Routing(routes/sharedNews. js) 12.14 Forked Node Process (app FORK. is) 12.15 Securing with HTTPS 12.16 Deployment Chapter 13: Testing the NewsWatcher RestAPI 13.1Debugging During Testing 18.2Tools to Make an HTTP/Rest Call 13.3AFunctional Test Suit with Mocha 13.4Performance and Load Testing 13-5Running Lint Chapter 14: DevOps Service Laver Tips 14.1Console Logging 14.2CPU Profiling 14.3. Memory Leak Detection 14.4CI/CD 14.5Monitoring and Alerting PARTIII: The Presentation Laver (React/HTML) Chapter 15: Fundamentals 15.1Defnition of the Presentation Layer 15.2Introducing React 15.3React with only an HTML file 15.4Instalation and App Creation 15.5The Basics of React rendering with Components 15.6Custom Components and Props 15.7Components and State 15.8Event Handlers 15.9Component Containment 15.10 HTML Forms 15.11 Lifecvele of a Component 15.12Typechecking your Props 15.13 Getting a reference to a DOM element Chapter 16: Further Topics 16.1 Using React Router 16.2 Using Bootstrap with React 16.3 Making HTTP/Rest Requests 16.4 State management with Redus Chapter 17: NewsWatcher App Development with React 17.1 Where it All Starts (src/index. is) 17.2 The hub of everything (sre/App. is) 17.3 Redux Reducers(src/reducers/index. is) 17.4The Login Page(src/views/loginview. is) 17.5 Displaying the News (sre/views/newsview. is and src/views/homenewsview. is) 17.6 Shared News Page(sre/views/sharednewsview. is) 17.7 Profile Page(sre/views/profileview. is) 17.8 Not Found Page (sre/views/notfound. is) Chapter 18: UI Testing of NewsWatcher 18.1 UI Testing with Selenium 18.2 UI Testing with Enzyme 18.3 Debugging UI Code Issues Chapter 19: Server-Side Rendering 19.1NewsWatcher and SSR Chapter 2o: Native Mobile Application development with React Native 20.1 React Native starter application 20.2 Components 20.3 Styling your application 20.4 Layout with flexbox 20.5 Screen navigation 20.6 Device capability access 20.7 Code changes to NewsWatcher 20.8 Application Store Deployment
