Java IO, NIO and NIO.2 原版pdf by Friesen

时间:2021-05-18 06:32:46
文件名称:Java IO, NIO and NIO.2 原版pdf by Friesen
更新时间:2021-05-18 06:32:46
java nio Input/output (I/O) is not a sexy subject, but it’s an important part of non-trivial applications. This book introduces you to most of Java’s I/O capabilities as of Java 8 update 51. Chapter 1 presents a broad overview of I/O in terms of Java’s classic I/O, New I/O (NIO), and NIO.2 categories. You learn what each category offers in terms of its capabilities, and you also learn about concepts such as paths and Direct Memory Access. Chapters 2 through 5 cover classic I/O APIs. You learn about the File and RandomAccessFile classes along with streams (including object serialization and externalization) and writers/readers. Chapters 6 through 11 focus on NIO. You explore buffers, channels, selectors, regular expressions, charsets, and formatters. (Formatters were not introduced with the other NIO types in Java 1.4 because they depend on the variable arguments capability that was introduced in Java 5.) NIO is missing several features, which were subsequently provided by NIO.2. Chapters 12 through 14 cover NIO.2’s improved file system interface, asynchronous I/O, and the completion of socket channel functionality. Each chapter ends with assorted exercises that are designed to help you master its content. Along with long answers and true/false questions, you are often confronted with programming exercises. Appendix A provides the answers and solutions. Appendix B provides a tutorial on sockets and network interfaces. Although not directly related to classic I/O, NIO, and NIO.2, they leverage I/O capabilities and are mentioned elsewhere in this book.
