Windows Graphic

时间:2013-12-02 11:27:51
文件名称:Windows Graphic
更新时间:2013-12-02 11:27:51
DirectX;Windows图形编程 Windows DirectX Graphics Documentation Direct3D 11 Provides information about programming with Microsoft Direct3D 11 for Windows 7. Direct3D 10 Provides information about programming with Microsoft Direct3D 10. Direct3D 9 Provides information about programming with Microsoft Direct3D 9. DXGI Provides information about programming with the Microsoft DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI). HLSL Provides information about programming with the High Level Shading Language for DirectX. Using HLSL, you can create C like programmable shaders for the Direct3D pipeline. Tools for DirectX Graphics Describes the shader compiler tool for use with Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10. DirectX Graphics Articles Contains a technical article that describes Windows 7's newly added support for Flip Mode Present and its associated Present Statistics in Direct3D 9Ex and Desktop Window Manager. Direct2D > Provides information about programming with Microsoft Direct2D. Direct2D > Provides information about programming with Microsoft DirectWrite.


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  • 下载后发现对我没有什么用处,不过还是谢谢你的分享
  • 这个文档就是DirectX SDK安装后自带的一个文档(另一个是directx_sdk.chm)。