The Art of Unit Testing: with Examples in .NET

时间:2012-08-05 07:43:02
文件名称:The Art of Unit Testing: with Examples in .NET
更新时间:2012-08-05 07:43:02
.net pdf Manning Publications, 2009年新书 Unit testing, done right, can mean the diff erence between a failed project and a successful one, between a maintainable code base and a code base that no one dares touch, and between getting home at 2 AM or getting home in time for dinner, even before a release deadline. The Art of Unit Testing builds on top of what's already been written about this important topic. It guides you step by step from simple tests to tests that are maintainable, readable, and trustworthy. It covers advanced subjects like mocks, stubs, and frameworks such as Typemock Isolator and Rhino Mocks. And you'll learn about advanced test patterns and organization, working with legacy code and even untestable code. The book discusses tools you need when testing databases and other technologies. It's written for .NET developers but others will also benefit from this book.


  • a very good book, i learned a lot from reading it
  • 了解.net中单元测试,值得参考的一本书。 内容很全。
  • 好书 非常感谢分享这本书,对自动化测试很有帮助
  • 很好的资料,很齐全,谢谢
  • 讲述单元测试的入门书籍,非常棒
  • 这是英文第一版,入门书籍
  • 其中介绍的测试框架NSunsitue还是不错的。
  • 非常感谢分享这本书,对自动化测试很有帮助
  • 正在实施单元测试,听说这是本好书
  • 正在实施单元测试,听说这是本好书
  • 单元测试的入门书籍
  • 单元测试的入门书籍,很棒啊。
  • 这本书不只针对.net的程序员,JAVA程序员也非常适用,如果碰巧需要掌握这两种语言,这一本书的思想就足够了
  • 讲述单元测试的入门书籍,非常棒。
  • 正在实施单元测试,听说这是本好书
  • 单元测试,测试驱动开发。这是大家整天叫,却很少有人做到的开发方法。这本书是入门介绍。
  • 看了一部分,很好。对TDD- TestDrivenDevelopment 有了很清晰的理解。