$stop and $finish in verilog

时间:2023-03-08 20:44:16
$stop and $finish in verilog

$stop - Pauses the simulation, so you can resume it by using fg command in linux. In this case lincense will not be released and process also is not killed, consuming memory.

$finish - Simulation is finished, so releasing of license and killing the process will be done.

Finishes a simulation and exits the simulation process.
Halts a simulation and enters an interactive debug mode.

$stop : Undesired termination of the simulation. All the system activities are suspended.

$finish : Used to relieve the compiler.

$finish exits the simulation and gives control back to the operating system.

$stop suspends the simulation and put interactive mode.

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$stop and $finish in verilog

$stop and $finish in verilog


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