
时间:2023-03-09 06:52:32
#!/bin/echo Warnning, this library must only be sourced!
# vim: set expandtab smarttab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: #
# Author: tuantuan.lv <tuantuan.lv@alibaba-inc.com>
# Description: a simple log library for pet
# # Create the log file if not exists
# $1: the log file name
function _create_logfile()
# FIXME: change the permission of log file
if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
mkdir -p `dirname $1`; touch $1; chmod 666 $1
} #
# Prevent the pet log library to be sourced again, so we can protect
# the log file to be created only once.
function _prevent_sourced_again()
_petlog_sourced_="__petlog_sourced_$$__" if [ -n "${!_petlog_sourced_}" ]; then
fi eval "$_petlog_sourced_=1" # Set the default log file path
if [ -f "$0" ]; then # Use the script name (not including the extension)
_petlog_filename="/tmp/$(basename $0 | awk -F. '{print $1}').log.`date +'%Y%m%d'`"
else # Otherwise, just using the default name
_petlog_filename="/tmp/petlog.log.`date +'%Y%m%d'`"
fi _create_logfile "$_petlog_filename" # The log level, we only print logs whose level less than this
_petlog_level=3 # DEBUG
# The log data format
_petlog_datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # 2014-11-11 11:11:11
# The log line format
_petlog_fmt="[<levelname>] [<asctime>] <message>" # [DEUBG] [2014-11-11 11:11:11] a simple log
} # Print log messages
# $1: The log level number
# $2: C-style printf format string
# $3..$N: C-style printf arguments
function _print_log()
local level=$1 msg="$2" fmt="${_petlog_fmt}"
local levelnames=('ERROR' 'WARNING' 'INFO' 'DEBUG')
local logcolors=('red' 'yellow' 'green' '') # Prepare the log format strings
fmt="${fmt//<asctime>/$(date +"$_petlog_datefmt")}"
fmt="${fmt//<levelname>/${levelnames[$level]}}" # We also decide to print all the log messages to the log file
shift 2 && printf "$fmt" "$@" >> $_petlog_filename # Only print the log whose level less than the log level we set before
if [ $level -le $_petlog_level ]; then
${logcolors[level]:-printf} "$fmt" "$@"
} #
# Make the strings to be echoed as differnt colors
function red() { printf "\033[1;31m$(echo "$1" | sed -r 's/(\\n)?$/\\033[0m\1/')" "${@:2}"; }
function yellow() { printf "\033[1;33m$(echo "$1" | sed -r 's/(\\n)?$/\\033[0m\1/')" "${@:2}"; }
function green() { printf "\033[1;32m$(echo "$1" | sed -r 's/(\\n)?$/\\033[0m\1/')" "${@:2}"; }
function blue() { printf "\033[1;34m$(echo "$1" | sed -r 's/(\\n)?$/\\033[0m\1/')" "${@:2}"; }
function cyan() { printf "\033[1;36m$(echo "$1" | sed -r 's/(\\n)?$/\\033[0m\1/')" "${@:2}"; }
function purple() { printf "\033[1;35m$(echo "$1" | sed -r 's/(\\n)?$/\\033[0m\1/')" "${@:2}"; } #
# Log print functions, such as debug_msg, info_msg... etc.
# Define the log level constants, just for convenience
LOG_QUIET=-1 LOG_ERROR=0 LOG_WARNING=1 LOG_INFO=2 LOG_DEBUG=3 function debug_msg() { _print_log $LOG_DEBUG "$1" "${@:2}"; }
function info_msg() { _print_log $LOG_INFO "$1" "${@:2}"; }
function warn_msg() { _print_log $LOG_WARNING "$1" "${@:2}"; }
function error_msg() { _print_log $LOG_ERROR "$1" "${@:2}"; return 1; }
function die_msg() { error_msg "$@"; exit 1; }
function exit_msg() { die_msg "$@"; } # should be deprecated, use die_msg instead
function warning_msg() { warn_msg "$@"; } # the same as warn_msg #
# Customize the log functions
# Set the default log file
# $1: the log filename
function set_logfile()
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
die_msg "the log filename is empty\n"
fi _petlog_filename="$1"
_create_logfile "$_petlog_filename"
} # Get the log filename
function get_logfile() { echo "$_petlog_filename"; } # Set the default log level
# $1: level name or level number
function set_loglevel()
if echo "$1" | grep -qE "^(-1|0|1|2|3)$"; then
elif echo "$1" | grep -qE '^LOG_(QUIET|DEBUG|INFO|ERROR|WARNING)$'; then
die_msg "the log level is not valid, please check\n"
} # Set log format
function set_logfmt()
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
die_msg "the log format is empty, please check\n"
fi _petlog_fmt="$1"
} # Set the log date format
# $1: the log date format, see `man data`
function set_logdatefmt()
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
die_msg "the log data format is empty, please check\n"
fi _petlog_datefmt="$1"
} _prevent_sourced_again # Yeah, prevent to be sourced again
. ./log.sh echo "1. use default log settings"
echo debug_msg "hello,world\n"
info_msg 'hello,world\n'
warn_msg 'hello,world\n'
warning_msg 'hello,world\n'
error_msg 'hello,world\n'
echo "2. set loglevel to $LOG_INFO"
echo set_loglevel $LOG_INFO
debug_msg "hello,world\n"
info_msg 'hello,world\n'
warn_msg 'hello,world\n'
error_msg 'hello,world\n' echo
echo "3. set log fmt to [<asctime> - <levelname>] <message>"
echo set_logfmt "[<asctime> - <levelname>] <message>"
info_msg 'hello,%s\n' world
warn_msg 'hello,%s\n' pet echo
echo "4. set date fmt to %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
echo set_logdatefmt "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
info_msg 'hello,world\n'
warn_msg 'hello,world\n' echo
echo '5. use colorful print'
echo red "hello,world\n"
green "hello,world\n"
yellow "hello,world\n"
cyan "hello,world\n"
purple "hello,world\n"
blue "hello,world\n" echo
echo '6. exit script'
die_msg "exit script\n"