
时间:2023-03-08 17:59:44


用 string来代替char * 数组,使用sort排序算法来排序,用unique 函数来去重
           string s1 = "hello";
           string s2 = "world";
           string s3 = s1 + "," + s2 +"!\n";
           s1 += ",shanshan\n";
           if(s1 == s2)
           else if(s1 == "hello")
4、 string 重载了许多操作符,包括 +, +=, <, =, , [], <<, >>等,正式这些操作符,对字符串操作非常方便

#include <string>#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){           string strinfo="Please input your name:";           cout << strinfo ;           cin >> strinfo;        if( strinfo == "winter" )           cout << "you are winter!"<<endl;        else if( strinfo != "wende" )           cout << "you are not wende!"<<endl;        else if( strinfo < "winter")           cout << "your name should be ahead of winter"<<endl;        else            cout << "your name should be after of winter"<<endl;           strinfo += " , Welcome to China!";           cout << strinfo<<endl;           cout <<"Your name is :"<<endl;           string strtmp = "How are you? " + strinfo;        for(int i = 0 ; i < strtmp.size(); i ++)           cout<<strtmp[i];        return 0;} 

由于查找是使用最为频繁的功能之一,string 提供了非常丰富的查找函数。其列表如下:

函数名 描述
find 查找
rfind 反向查找
find_first_of 查找包含子串中的任何字符,返回第一个位置
find_first_not_of 查找不包含子串中的任何字符,返回第一个位置
find_last_of 查找包含子串中的任何字符,返回最后一个位置
find_last_not_of 查找不包含子串中的任何字符,返回最后一个位置

以上函数都是被重载了4次,以下是以find_first_of 函数为例说明他们的参数,其他函数和其参数一样,也就是说总共有24个函数:

size_type find_first_of(const basic_string& s, size_type pos = 0)size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n)size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0)size_type find_first_of(charT c, size_type pos = 0)

所有的查找函数都返回一个size_type类型,这个返回值一般都是所找到字符串的位置,如果没有找到,则返回string::npos。其实string::npos表示的是-1。即没找到就返回-1。例子如下:#include <string>#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){           string strinfo="      //*---Hello Word!......------";           string strset="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";        int first = strinfo.find_first_of(strset);        if(first == string::npos) {                    cout<<"not find any characters"<<endl;                return -1;           }         int last = strinfo.find_last_of(strset);        if(last == string::npos) {                    cout<<"not find any characters"<<endl;                return -1;           }            cout << strinfo.substr(first, last - first + 1)<<endl;//string.substr是子串        return 0;}6、insert函数, replace函数和erase函数

string只是提供了按照位置和区间的replace函数,而不能用一个string字串来替换指定string中的另一个字串。例子:#include <string>#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {           string strinfo="This is Winter, Winter is a programmer. Do you know Winter?";           cout<<"Orign string is :\n"<<strinfo<<endl;           string_replace(strinfo, "Winter", "wende");           cout<<"After replace Winter with wende, the string is :\n"<<strinfo<<endl;        return 0;}

string.erase(pos,srclen);//srclen是删除的长度string.insert(pos,strdst); //pos是定位,strdst是插入的函数void string_replace(string & strBig, const string & strsrc, const string &strdst) {           string::size_type pos=0;           string::size_type srclen=strsrc.size();           string::size_type dstlen=strdst.size();        while( (pos=strBig.find(strsrc, pos)) != string::npos){                   strBig.erase(pos, srclen);                   strBig.insert(pos, strdst);                   pos += dstlen;           }}