记一次Spring boot集成mybatis错误修复过程 Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.

时间:2023-03-09 12:46:29
记一次Spring boot集成mybatis错误修复过程  Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.


Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.
-- ::02.246 ERROR --- [ main] o.s.b.d.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter : ***************************
*************************** Description: Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured. Reason: Failed to determine a suitable driver class Action: Consider the following:
If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath.
If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular profile you may need to activate it (no profiles are currently active). Process finished with exit code


resouce文件夹失效 ,图标与正常的不一样

记一次Spring boot集成mybatis错误修复过程  Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.

解决方法,右键resouces文件夹,设置为resouces root即恢复正常

记一次Spring boot集成mybatis错误修复过程  Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.