Data visualization 课程 笔记3

时间:2023-03-08 21:13:46

Learn how humans work to create a more effective computer interface


Deductive Reasoning (演绎推理): Basically drawing a conclusion based on the data.

Inductive Reasoning (归纳推理): If something is ture for x, then it's true for x+1; if it's true for one specific case,it's true for all the cases.

It creates generalizations (泛化), interpolations (插值), extrapolations(推论).

Abductive Reasoning (溯因推理):This is based on sort of the human need for meaning. 通过对数据建模(modeling)来向人们解释数据的含义。

Data visualization 课程 笔记3

Data visualization 课程 笔记3

Data visualization 课程 笔记3