kafka集群中常见错误的解决方法:kafka.common.KafkaException: Should not set log end offset on partition

时间:2021-04-19 15:52:23

问题描述:kafka单台机器做集群操作是没有问题的,如果分布多台机器并且partitions或者备份的个数大于1都会报kafka.common.KafkaException: Should not set log end offset on partition 这个错误,如果使用kafka默认的日志等级,过不了几分钟错误日志就会把磁盘刷满,导致服务器down掉。


Why do I see error "Should not set log end offset on partition" in the broker log?

Typically, you will see errors like the following.

kafka.common.KafkaException: Should not set log end offset on partition [test,22]'s local replica 4

ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-6], Error for partition [test,22] to broker 6:class kafka.common.UnknownException(kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)

A common problem is that more than one broker registered the same host/port in Zookeeper. As a result, the replica fetcher is confused when fetching data from the leader. To verify that, you can use a Zookeeper client shell to list the registration info of each broker. The Zookeeper path and the format of the broker registration is described in Kafka data structures in Zookeeper. You want to make sure that all the registered brokers have unique host/port.




# Hostname the broker will bind to. If not set, the server will bind to all interfaces

