Java 中统计文件中出现单词的次数练习

时间:2023-03-10 02:41:00
Java 中统计文件中出现单词的次数练习


这个是article.txt文件内容 {

hello The Royal Navy is trying hello to play hello down the problem,
after first trying to hide it. It is clearly embarrassing.
They have hello known about the problem for hello some time
but they did not hello want it hello to get in the way of the
commissioning hello ceremony hello in front hello of the Queen. hello


package ltb20180106;


public class WordCount  {

private File f;
private BufferedReader br;
private BufferedWriter bw;
private String readline;
private int start=0;
private int end=0;
private int count=0; public WordCount() { try { f=new File("D:\\myRead\\article.txt");
br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
bw=new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); while((readline=br.readLine())!=null) { start=this.readline.indexOf("hello"); if(start!=-1) { // 一行字符串中如果有hello出现就进行统计 count++; end=this.readline.indexOf("hello",start+1); while(end!=-1) { //如果在这行中后续还有hello出现,继续统计,直到末尾没有hello出现为止。 count++; System.out.print("[end:"+end+"]"+","); end=this.readline.indexOf("hello",end+1); }
} bw.write(readline+"\r"); System.out.println("累计总共的次数:【"+count+"】"+"start:【"+start+"】"); bw.flush();
} System.out.println("单词hello在文章【"+f.getName()+"】中出现的次数为:【"+count+"】"); bw.close(); }catch(Exception e) { e.getMessage();
} } public static void main(String[] args) { new WordCount();
} }