Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置

时间:2022-05-23 13:31:11

Robhess OpenSIFT 源码下载:传送门




Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置

头文件:6个                                                                                                                          源文件:10个


1)imgfeatures.c 和 imgfeatures.h:

有SIFT特征点结构struct feature的定义,除此之外还有一些特征点的导入导出以及特征点绘制函数的声明,对应的imgfeatures.c文件中是特征点的导入导出以及特征点绘制函数的实现。

2)utils.c 和 utils.h:


3)minpq.c 和 minpq.h

这两个文件中实现了最小优先级队列(Minimizing Priority Queue),也就是小顶堆,在k-d树的建立和搜索过程中要用到。

4)kdtree.c 和 kdtree.h

这两个文件中实现了k-d树的建立以及用BBF(Best Bin First)算法搜索匹配点的函数。如果需要对两个图片中的特征点进行匹配,就要用到这两个文件。

5)xform.c 和 xform.h:

这两个文件中实现了RANSAC算法(RANdom SAmple Consensus 随机抽样一致)。RANSAC算法可用来筛选两个图像间的SIFT特征匹配并计算变换矩阵。可以单利用RANSAC算法筛选两个图像间的SIFT特征匹配,以得到更好的匹配结果,很经典的算法,值得学习。

6)sift.c 和 sift.h:

论文里最主要的内容在此,里面的内容就是两个特征点检测函数sift_features()和 _sift_features(),sift_features()是用默认参数进行特征点检测, _sift_features()允许用户输入各种检测参数,其实sift_features()中也是再次调用_sift_features()函数。所以只需提供原图像和存储特征点的数组以及其他一些检测参数,然后调用sift_features()或 _sift_features()就可完成SIFT特征点检测。

7)siftfeat.c :含有main函数,用来实现特征点的检测,返回特征点数目和标记特征点的图像。(主要用到)

8)match.c 含有main函数, 检测两张图中的sift特征点,然后找到特征点的匹配对。(主要用到)

9)match_num.c 含有main函数,检测sift特征点,但是用到了linux下的多线程编程,所以这里暂时不做讨论。

10)dspfeat.c : 含有main函数,可以从预先保存的特征点文件中读取特征点并显示在图片上。

一. 修改代码



#include <cv.h>
#include <cxcore.h>
#include <highgui.h>


#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>



1. sift.c:

将函数   static IplImage*** build_gauss_pyr( IplImage* base, int octvs, int intvls, double sigma ) 中的代码进行改动:


  const int _intvls = intvls;
double sig[_intvls+], sig_total, sig_prev, k;


  const int _intvls = intvls;
double *sig = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*(_intvls+));
double sig_total, sig_prev, k;
free(sig); //子函数返回前释放内存




2. utils.c


#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>


gtk是一个功能强大、设计灵活的一个通用图形库,是GNU/Linux下开发图形界面的应用程序的主流开发工具之一,GTK+也有Windows版本和Mac OS X版。在作者的源码中gtk用来调整窗口来显示图像,因为我懒于装gtk,所以直接利用opencv进行显示,所以这里需要修改一些opencv的东西。



 void display_big_img( IplImage* img, char* title )
IplImage* small;
GdkScreen* scr;
int scr_width, scr_height;
double img_aspect, scr_aspect, scale; /* determine screen size to see if image fits on screen */
gdk_init( NULL, NULL );
scr = gdk_screen_get_default();
scr_width = gdk_screen_get_width( scr );
scr_height = gdk_screen_get_height( scr ); if( img->width >= 0.90 * scr_width || img->height >= 0.90 * scr_height )
img_aspect = (double)(img->width) / img->height;
scr_aspect = (double)(scr_width) / scr_height; if( img_aspect > scr_aspect )
scale = 0.90 * scr_width / img->width;
scale = 0.90 * scr_height / img->height; small = cvCreateImage( cvSize( img->width * scale, img->height * scale ),
img->depth, img->nChannels );
cvResize( img, small, CV_INTER_AREA );
small = cvCloneImage( img ); cvNamedWindow( title, );
cvShowImage( title, small );
cvReleaseImage( &small );


void display_big_img(IplImage* img, char* title)
cvNamedWindow(title, ); //参数0表示生成的窗口大小可调整,参数1表示窗口自适应图像而用户不可调整,所以我选择参数0
cvShowImage(title, img);

3. siftfeat.c


#include <unistd.h>

原因:顾名思义,unistd.h是unix std的意思,是POSIX标准定义的unix类系统定义符号常量的头文件,所以在windows下先注释掉。

然后注释掉下面这两个函数:static void arg_parse( int argc, char** argv ) 和 static void usage( char* name )

 static void arg_parse( int argc, char** argv )
//extract program name from command line (remove path, if present)
pname = basename( argv[] ); //parse commandline options
while( )
char* arg_check;
int arg = getopt( argc, argv, OPTIONS );
if( arg == - )
break; switch( arg )
// catch unsupplied required arguments and exit
case ':':
fatal_error( "-%c option requires an argument\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", optopt, pname );
break; // read out_file_name
case 'o':
if( ! optarg )
fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
out_file_name = optarg;
break; // read out_img_name
case 'm':
if( ! optarg )
fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
out_img_name = optarg;
break; // read intervals
case 'i':
// ensure argument provided
if( ! optarg )
fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname ); // parse argument and ensure it is an integer
intvls = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, );
if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
break; // read sigma
case 's' :
// ensure argument provided
if( ! optarg )
fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname ); // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
sigma = strtod( optarg, &arg_check );
if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
fatal_error( "-%c option requires a floating point argument\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
break; // read contrast_thresh
case 'c' :
// ensure argument provided
if( ! optarg )
fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname ); // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
contr_thr = strtod( optarg, &arg_check );
if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
fatal_error( "-%c option requires a floating point argument\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
break; // read curvature_thresh
case 'r' :
// ensure argument provided
if( ! optarg )
fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname ); // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
curv_thr = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, );
if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
break; // read descr_width
case 'n' :
// ensure argument provided
if( ! optarg )
fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname ); // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
descr_width = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, );
if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
break; // read descr_histo_bins
case 'b' :
// ensure argument provided
if( ! optarg )
fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname ); // parse argument and ensure it is a floating point number
descr_hist_bins = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, );
if( arg_check == optarg || *arg_check != '\0' )
fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument\n" \
"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );
break; // read double_image
case 'd' :
img_dbl = ( img_dbl == )? : ;
break; // read display
case 'x' :
display = ;
break; // user asked for help
case 'h':
usage( pname );
break; // catch invalid arguments
fatal_error( "-%c: invalid option.\nTry '%s -h' for help.",
optopt, pname );
} // make sure an input file is specified
if( argc - optind < )
fatal_error( "no input file specified.\nTry '%s -h' for help.", pname ); // make sure there aren't too many arguments
if( argc - optind > )
fatal_error( "too many arguments.\nTry '%s -h' for help.", pname ); // copy image file name from command line argument
img_file_name = argv[optind];
 static void usage( char* name )
fprintf(stderr, "%s: detect SIFT keypoints in an image\n\n", name);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] <img_file>\n", name);
fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -h Display this message and exit\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -o <out_file> Output keypoints to text file\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -m <out_img> Output keypoint image file (format" \
" determined by extension)\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -i <intervals> Set number of sampled intervals per" \
" octave in scale space\n");
fprintf(stderr, " pyramid (default %d)\n",
fprintf(stderr, " -s <sigma> Set sigma for initial gaussian" \
" smoothing at each octave\n");
fprintf(stderr, " (default %06.4f)\n", SIFT_SIGMA);
fprintf(stderr, " -c <thresh> Set threshold on keypoint contrast" \
" |D(x)| based on [0,1]\n");
fprintf(stderr, " pixel values (default %06.4f)\n",
fprintf(stderr, " -r <thresh> Set threshold on keypoint ratio of" \
" principle curvatures\n");
fprintf(stderr, " (default %d)\n", SIFT_CURV_THR);
fprintf(stderr, " -n <width> Set width of descriptor histogram" \
" array (default %d)\n", SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH);
fprintf(stderr, " -b <bins> Set number of bins per histogram" \
" in descriptor array\n");
fprintf(stderr, " (default %d)\n", SIFT_DESCR_HIST_BINS);
fprintf(stderr, " -d Toggle image doubling (default %s)\n",
SIFT_IMG_DBL == ? "off" : "on");
fprintf(stderr, " -x Turn off keypoint display\n");



arg_parse( argc, argv );  


4. imgfeatures.c


#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846



二. 运行程序


1. siftfeat.c


Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置       Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置


This program detects image features using SIFT keypoints. For more info,
refer to: Lowe, D. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2 (2004), pp.91--110. Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Rob Hess <> Note: The SIFT algorithm is patented in the United States and cannot be
used in commercial products without a license from the University of
British Columbia. For more information, refer to the file LICENSE.ubc
that accompanied this distribution. Version: 1.1.2-20100521
*/ #include "sift.h"
#include "imgfeatures.h"
#include "utils.h" #include <opencv/highgui.h> //#include <unistd.h> //unix 标准头文件 #define OPTIONS ":o:m:i:s:c:r:n:b:dxh" /*************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/ static void usage( char* );
static void arg_parse( int, char** ); /******************************** Globals ************************************/ char* pname;
char* img_file_name = "G:\\360downloads\\pc.jpg"; //待检测图片的绝对路径
char* out_file_name = NULL; //导出特征点到此文件中
char* out_img_name = NULL; //导出图片的文件名
int intvls = SIFT_INTVLS;
double sigma = SIFT_SIGMA;
double contr_thr = SIFT_CONTR_THR;
int curv_thr = SIFT_CURV_THR;
int img_dbl = SIFT_IMG_DBL;
int descr_width = SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH;
int descr_hist_bins = SIFT_DESCR_HIST_BINS;
int display = ; /********************************** Main *************************************/ int main( int argc, char** argv )
IplImage* img;
struct feature* features;
int n = ; //arg_parse( argc, argv ); fprintf( stderr, "Finding SIFT features...\n" );
img = cvLoadImage( img_file_name, );
if( ! img )
fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", img_file_name );
n = _sift_features( img, &features, intvls, sigma, contr_thr, curv_thr,
img_dbl, descr_width, descr_hist_bins );
fprintf( stderr, "Found %d features.\n", n ); if( display )
draw_features( img, features, n );
display_big_img( img, img_file_name );
cvWaitKey( );
} if( out_file_name != NULL )
export_features( out_file_name, features, n ); if( out_img_name != NULL )
cvSaveImage( out_img_name, img, NULL );
return ;


Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置         Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置

输入图像                                                                                                                                               输出图像

Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置


2. match.c


Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置            Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置


Detects SIFT features in two images and finds matches between them. Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Rob Hess <> @version 1.1.2-20100521
*/ #include "sift.h"
#include "imgfeatures.h"
#include "kdtree.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "xform.h" #include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h> #include <stdio.h> /* the maximum number of keypoint NN candidates to check during BBF search */
#define KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS 200 /* threshold on squared ratio of distances between NN and 2nd NN */
#define NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR 0.49 int main( int argc, char** argv )
IplImage* img1, * img2, * stacked;
struct feature* feat1, * feat2, * feat;
struct feature** nbrs;
struct kd_node* kd_root;
CvPoint pt1, pt2;
double d0, d1;
int n1, n2, k, i, m = ; if( argc != )
fatal_error( "usage: %s <img1> <img2>", argv[] ); img1 = cvLoadImage( argv[], );
if( ! img1 )
fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", argv[] );
img2 = cvLoadImage( argv[], );
if( ! img2 )
fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", argv[] );
stacked = stack_imgs( img1, img2 ); fprintf( stderr, "Finding features in %s...\n", argv[] );
n1 = sift_features( img1, &feat1 );
fprintf( stderr, "Finding features in %s...\n", argv[] );
n2 = sift_features( img2, &feat2 );
fprintf( stderr, "Building kd tree...\n" );
kd_root = kdtree_build( feat2, n2 );
for( i = ; i < n1; i++ )
feat = feat1 + i;
k = kdtree_bbf_knn( kd_root, feat, , &nbrs, KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS );
if( k == )
d0 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[] );
d1 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[] );
if( d0 < d1 * NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR )
pt1 = cvPoint( cvRound( feat->x ), cvRound( feat->y ) );
pt2 = cvPoint( cvRound( nbrs[]->x ), cvRound( nbrs[]->y ) );
pt2.y += img1->height;
cvLine( stacked, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(,,), , , );
feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[];
free( nbrs );
} fprintf( stderr, "Found %d total matches\n", m );
display_big_img( stacked, "Matches" );
cvWaitKey( ); /*
UNCOMMENT BELOW TO SEE HOW RANSAC FUNCTION WORKS Note that this line above: feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[0]; is important for the RANSAC function to work.
CvMat* H;
IplImage* xformed;
H = ransac_xform( feat1, n1, FEATURE_FWD_MATCH, lsq_homog, 4, 0.01,
homog_xfer_err, 3.0, NULL, NULL );
if( H )
xformed = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( img2 ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
cvWarpPerspective( img1, xformed, H,
cvScalarAll( 0 ) );
cvNamedWindow( "Xformed", 1 );
cvShowImage( "Xformed", xformed );
cvWaitKey( 0 );
cvReleaseImage( &xformed );
cvReleaseMat( &H );
*/ cvReleaseImage( &stacked );
cvReleaseImage( &img1 );
cvReleaseImage( &img2 );
kdtree_release( kd_root );
free( feat1 );
free( feat2 );
return ;



例如我的两张图片为:pc1.jpg 和 pc2.jpg,此外我都是在debug形式下调试,所以不要搞错为release。

Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置

Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置       Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置

pc1.jpg                                                                                                             pc2.jpg


Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置      Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置


此外其实注意到在match.c中的main函数有一部分代码被注释掉了,而这段代码调用了xform.c,即(RANSAC算法(RANdom SAmple Consensus 随机抽样一致))的结果,所以将这部分代码取消注释后,直接执行:

Detects SIFT features in two images and finds matches between them. Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Rob Hess <> @version 1.1.2-20100521
*/ #include "sift.h"
#include "imgfeatures.h"
#include "kdtree.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "xform.h" #include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/cxcore.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h> #include <stdio.h> /* the maximum number of keypoint NN candidates to check during BBF search */
#define KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS 200 /* threshold on squared ratio of distances between NN and 2nd NN */
#define NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR 0.49 int main( int argc, char** argv )
IplImage* img1, * img2, * stacked;
struct feature* feat1, * feat2, * feat;
struct feature** nbrs;
struct kd_node* kd_root;
CvPoint pt1, pt2;
double d0, d1;
int n1, n2, k, i, m = ; if( argc != )
fatal_error( "usage: %s <img1> <img2>", argv[] ); img1 = cvLoadImage( argv[], );
if( ! img1 )
fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", argv[] );
img2 = cvLoadImage( argv[], );
if( ! img2 )
fatal_error( "unable to load image from %s", argv[] );
stacked = stack_imgs( img1, img2 ); fprintf( stderr, "Finding features in %s...\n", argv[] );
n1 = sift_features( img1, &feat1 );
fprintf( stderr, "Finding features in %s...\n", argv[] );
n2 = sift_features( img2, &feat2 );
fprintf( stderr, "Building kd tree...\n" );
kd_root = kdtree_build( feat2, n2 );
for( i = ; i < n1; i++ )
feat = feat1 + i;
k = kdtree_bbf_knn( kd_root, feat, , &nbrs, KDTREE_BBF_MAX_NN_CHKS );
if( k == )
d0 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[] );
d1 = descr_dist_sq( feat, nbrs[] );
if( d0 < d1 * NN_SQ_DIST_RATIO_THR )
pt1 = cvPoint( cvRound( feat->x ), cvRound( feat->y ) );
pt2 = cvPoint( cvRound( nbrs[]->x ), cvRound( nbrs[]->y ) );
pt2.y += img1->height;
cvLine( stacked, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(,,), , , );
feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[];
free( nbrs );
} fprintf( stderr, "Found %d total matches\n", m );
display_big_img( stacked, "Matches" );
cvWaitKey( ); /*
UNCOMMENT BELOW TO SEE HOW RANSAC FUNCTION WORKS Note that this line above: feat1[i].fwd_match = nbrs[0]; is important for the RANSAC function to work.
*/ {
CvMat* H;
IplImage* xformed;
H = ransac_xform( feat1, n1, FEATURE_FWD_MATCH, lsq_homog, , 0.01,
homog_xfer_err, 3.0, NULL, NULL );
if( H )
xformed = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( img2 ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, );
cvWarpPerspective( img1, xformed, H,
cvScalarAll( ) );
cvNamedWindow( "Xformed", );
cvShowImage( "Xformed", xformed );
cvWaitKey( );
cvReleaseImage( &xformed );
cvReleaseMat( &H );
} cvReleaseImage( &stacked );
cvReleaseImage( &img1 );
cvReleaseImage( &img2 );
kdtree_release( kd_root );
free( feat1 );
free( feat2 );
return ;


Windows下 Robhess SIFT源码配置


3. match_num.c


#include <pthread.h>




#include <unistd.h>




附上我改好的源码链接,可以参考此文,直接运行: sift_c

