
时间:2023-03-08 22:40:05

Kerberos是一种计算机网络授权协议,用来在非安全网络中,对个人通信以安全的手段进行身份认证。 采用客户端/服务器结构,并且能够进行相互认证,即客户端和服务器端均可对对方进行身份认证。


KDC:Key Distribution Center – Each user and service shares a secret key with the KDC – The KDC generates and distributes session keys – Communicating parties prove to each other that they

KDC 包含两部分:

– Authentication Server (AS) ● Issues “Ticket-Granting Tickets” (TGT) – Ticket Granting Server (TGS) ● Issues service tickets


  1. client向KDS发用户名和服务端名称
  2. KDC回应TGT,使用用户密码加密;
  3. client输入密码,解密TGT
  4. 到手的TGT,用来和KDC通信(我已经有TGT了,属于被你信任的列表中,给我我想要的东西吧),进一步获取service tickets. img:k1.jpg
  5. KDC返回用户service tickets,
  6. 用户拿service tickets和Server通信,请求授权;
  7. server端授权完成,建立session;

交互流程图: Kerberos是怎么工作的?


  • kinit # 与KDC通信,请求授权
  • klist # 查看已授权列表
colin@n6-131-078:~$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1098
Default principal: colin@XXX.COM

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
06/21/2016 11:43:29  06/22/2016 11:43:26  krbtgt/BYTEDANCE.COM@BYTEDANCE.COM # TGT
06/21/2016 11:43:45  06/22/2016 11:43:26  host/       # host service ticket
06/21/2016 11:43:45  06/22/2016 11:43:26  host/

Kerberos principals

Clients (users or services) are identified by “principals” Principals look like: primary/instance@realm

– Primary: user or service name – Instance: optional for user principals, but required for service principals – Realm: the Kerberos realm


– User: joe@FOO.COM – Service: imap/

如何搭建一个Kerberos KDC?


  1. Configure NTP (time synchronization) across all machines
  2. Configure DNS
  3. Configuration files

    – /etc/krb5.conf – /etc/kadm5.acl

  4. Prepare the Kerberos database – Initialize the Kerberos database – Add administrator’s principal – Start the KDC and KDC administration processes

  5. Create user principals – Note: service principals are created when configuring your other services to support Kerberos authentication

如何搭建一个Kerberos 客户端?

  • Configuration file /etc/krb5.conf You can just copy this from the KDC

  • Service principals
  • PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) (重点是这个,我们需要配置登录到服务器,就配置这个) – Needed if you want to be able to authenticate users logging into this machine via Kerberos

