Guava Files 源码分析(一)

时间:2023-03-10 03:10:07
Guava Files 源码分析(一)


Files类中对InputStream, OutputStream以及Reader,Writer的操作封装了抽象工厂模式,抽象工厂是InputSupplier与OutputSupplier,具体工厂是Files中的newInputStreamSupplier(), newOutputStreamSupplier()等方法

而InputStream, OutputStream以及Reader,Writer则是抽象产品, 他们的各种实现和装饰器包装则为具体产品



public interface InputSupplier<T> {

  T getInput() throws IOException;
} public interface InputSupplier<T> { T getInput() throws IOException;


CharStreams.newReaderSupplier(<? extends> in,

java.nio.charset.Charset charset





public static InputSupplier<FileInputStream> newInputStreamSupplier(
final File file) {
return new InputSupplier<FileInputStream>() {
public FileInputStream getInput() throws IOException {
return new FileInputStream(file);
} public static OutputSupplier<FileOutputStream> newOutputStreamSupplier(
File file) {
return newOutputStreamSupplier(file, false);
} public static OutputSupplier<FileOutputStream> newOutputStreamSupplier(
final File file, final boolean append) {
return new OutputSupplier<FileOutputStream>() {
public FileOutputStream getOutput() throws IOException {
return new FileOutputStream(file, append);
} public static InputSupplier<InputStreamReader> newReaderSupplier(File file,
Charset charset) {
return CharStreams.newReaderSupplier(newInputStreamSupplier(file), charset);
} public static OutputSupplier<OutputStreamWriter> newWriterSupplier(File file,
Charset charset) {
return newWriterSupplier(file, charset, false);
} public static OutputSupplier<OutputStreamWriter> newWriterSupplier(File file,
Charset charset) {
return newWriterSupplier(file, charset, false);

这些工厂返回的产品大致包括了FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, Reader, Writer


* 这里有意思的有些特殊文件是file.length() == 0,但是文件却有实际内容
* 所以不能直接开辟一个file.length()大小的byte[] buff来读取文件内容
* Guava的解决方法是通过一个buff[0x1000]大小的buff来逐步读取这个特殊的文件
* 将其写入到一个OutputStream以后再一次性将它out.toByteArray()并返回
* 而对于file.length() != 0 的情况,则是直接开辟一个byte[] buff[file.length()]大小的buff
* 一次性将file里的内容读取到buff中并返回,从而避免额外像读取上面说的特殊文件那样频繁的开辟小的byte[] buff
public static byte[] toByteArray(File file) throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(file.length() <= Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (file.length() == 0) {
// Some special files are length 0 but have content nonetheless.
return ByteStreams.toByteArray(newInputStreamSupplier(file));
} else {
// Avoid an extra allocation and copy.
byte[] b = new byte[(int) file.length()];
boolean threw = true;
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
try {
ByteStreams.readFully(in, b);
threw = false;
} finally {
Closeables.close(in, threw);
return b;
} /**
* 通过toByteArray()方法将文件内容包装成字符串
public static String toString(File file, Charset charset) throws IOException {
return new String(toByteArray(file),;
} /**
* 使用小buff byte[0x1000] 的方法来copy文件
* 因为直接使用InputStream不像File.length()那样可以直接获得长度
public static void copy(InputSupplier<? extends InputStream> from, File to)
throws IOException {
ByteStreams.copy(from, newOutputStreamSupplier(to));



* 依旧是那个问题,有些特殊文件显示的文件长度为0,所以必须通过读取文件的byte内容去比较是否相等
public static boolean equal(File file1, File file2) throws IOException {
if (file1 == file2 || file1.equals(file2)) {
return true;
} /*
* Some operating systems may return zero as the length for files
* denoting system-dependent entities such as devices or pipes, in
* which case we must fall back on comparing the bytes directly.
long len1 = file1.length();
long len2 = file2.length();
if (len1 != 0 && len2 != 0 && len1 != len2) {
return false;
return ByteStreams.equal(newInputStreamSupplier(file1),


* Atomically creates a new directory somewhere beneath the system's
* temporary directory (as defined by the {@code} system
* property), and returns its name.
* <p>Use this method instead of {@link File#createTempFile(String, String)}
* when you wish to create a directory, not a regular file. A common pitfall
* is to call {@code createTempFile}, delete the file and create a
* directory in its place, but this leads a race condition which can be
* exploited to create security vulnerabilities, especially when executable
* files are to be written into the directory.
* <p>This method assumes that the temporary volume is writable, has free
* inodes and free blocks, and that it will not be called thousands of times
* per second.
* @return the newly-created directory
* @throws IllegalStateException if the directory could not be created
public static File createTempDir() {
File baseDir = new File(System.getProperty(""));
String baseName = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-"; for (int counter = 0; counter < TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS; counter++) {
File tempDir = new File(baseDir, baseName + counter);
if (tempDir.mkdir()) {
return tempDir;
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create directory within "
+ TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS + " attempts (tried "
+ baseName + "0 to " + baseName + (TEMP_DIR_ATTEMPTS - 1) + ')');

Guava Doc中说到,如果直接使用File.createTempFile()会有安全问题,先介绍一下createTempFile()

public static createTempFile(java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String suffix, directory)



根据doc的提示,应该使用 deleteOnExit()方法来删除临时文件,deleteOnExit()的意思是在JVM停止时才删除这个文件.相当于缓存了删除命令,如果有多个文件有deleteOnExit(),他们在JVM停止时会逆序开始删除(最后调用deleteOnExit()方法的文件最先删除,类似于栈)

所谓安全问题, *上有人提到了,加入使用createTempFile()来创建临时目录,会这么写

public static File createTempDirectory()
throws IOException
final File temp; temp = File.createTempFile("temp", Long.toString(System.nanoTime())); if(!(temp.delete()))
throw new IOException("Could not delete temp file: " + temp.getAbsolutePath());
} if(!(temp.mkdir()))
throw new IOException("Could not create temp directory: " + temp.getAbsolutePath());
} return (temp);


Guava Files 源码分析(一)

按照Sarel Botha的说法,使用了 file.mkdir() 的返回值做判断后抛出异常是不会有问题的

而如果没有使用file.mkdir()的返回值做判断, 潜在的问题是在于Linux的tmp目录使用了sticky bit(只能删除用户自己创建的文件), 在多线程情况下会存在file.delete()和file.mkdir()操作的线程竞争问题.具体是什么我也没搞清楚

原帖地址: http://*.com/questions/617414/create-a-temporary-directory-in-java

随意总而言之, 就是使用Guava提供的createTmpDir()更安全

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