
时间:2021-11-11 19:24:38

I have a list of xml elements that i need to search for specific types of elements that beging with the text "UserName". The elements i also have a number after the "UserName" text so they look like this:


I need to find each UserName element in this list but since each one is different due to the number at the end of each one's name I haven't been able to find a way to do this. What i was hoping for was a wildcard or something but that's not working for me.


Any help would be appreciated.





3 个解决方案


Please take 15 minutes to understand LINQ to XML! It will take care of such needs easily. If you are not using .NET then take a look at XPATH.

请花15分钟了解LINQ to XML!它将轻松地处理这些需求。如果您不使用.NET,请查看XPATH。


Using XML like this:



This XPATH expression will work: /root/*[starts-with(name(), 'user')]

这个XPATH表达式将起作用:/ root / * [starts-with(name(),'user')]


Given the poor XML code you provided, it's really difficult to give an answer. Please read up on XPath, the answer you are looking for can certain be found on these two pages:





Please take 15 minutes to understand LINQ to XML! It will take care of such needs easily. If you are not using .NET then take a look at XPATH.

请花15分钟了解LINQ to XML!它将轻松地处理这些需求。如果您不使用.NET,请查看XPATH。


Using XML like this:



This XPATH expression will work: /root/*[starts-with(name(), 'user')]

这个XPATH表达式将起作用:/ root / * [starts-with(name(),'user')]


Given the poor XML code you provided, it's really difficult to give an answer. Please read up on XPath, the answer you are looking for can certain be found on these two pages:


