支持Android 5 BLE外围模式的芯片组/设备。

时间:2021-08-23 19:02:58

**Overview of devices known so far: Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Moto E 4G LTE, LG G4, Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy S5 (model SM-G900M), Nexus 5X, Sony Xperia Z5 Compact, Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 **

**目前所知的设备有:Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Moto E 4G LTE, LG G4, Galaxy S6,三星Galaxy S5 (model smg - g900m), Nexus 5X, Sony Xperia Z5 Compact, Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 **。

** Also see https://altbeacon.github.io/android-beacon-library/beacon-transmitter-devices.html **

* *也看到https://altbeacon.github.io/android-beacon-library/beacon-transmitter-devices。html * *

One of the new features of the Android 5 release is support for Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral mode. While it is promoted to work independent of the used device, it seems to be chipset dependent (see the isMultiAdvertisementSupported() function in BluetoothAdapter.java).

Android 5版本的一个新特性是支持蓝牙低能量外围模式。虽然它被提升到独立于已使用的设备,但它似乎是依赖于芯片组的(请参阅BluetoothAdapter.java中的isMultiAdvertisementSupported()函数)。

It is working for the Nexus 5, but not for the Nexus 7 (called a bug in BLE peripheral support Android-L example, but it might never work because of its chipset?). Also https://code.google.com/p/android-developer-preview/issues/detail?id=589 does not give conclusive statements.

它是为Nexus 5而工作,但不是为Nexus 7(在BLE外围支持Android-L的例子中称为bug,但它可能永远无法工作,因为它的芯片组?)同时https://code.google.com/p/android-developer-preview/issues/detail?id=589没有给出结论性声明。

My concern is that, as many older devices are expected to get Android 5, only the newest tablets (and relatively new phones) will support BLE peripheral mode. This might be unclear to the end-user of apps relying on this new Android 5 feature.

我担心的是,随着许多旧设备预计会得到Android 5,只有最新的平板(以及相对较新的手机)将支持BLE外围模式。对于依赖于这个新的Android 5功能的应用程序的最终用户来说,这可能是不清楚的。

For me it is very unclear which chipsets/devices, that will eventually get Android 5, will support the BLE peripheral mode. Anyone who can give me any insights on this? Which chipsets will support the BLE peripheral mode? More specifically, as many of our customers have a Nexus 7 (2013), will the Nexus 7 ever get supported?

对我来说,最终得到Android 5的芯片组/设备将支持BLE外围模式是非常不清楚的。谁能给我一些关于这个的见解?哪些芯片组将支持BLE外围模式?更具体地说,我们的许多客户都有一个Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 7会得到支持吗?

Edit 19-2-2015: Since December 2014 it is not supported anymore for the Nexus 5, only Nexus 6 and 9 seem to have support for BLE Peripheral Mode/ Advertising. Hope the number of devices supporting this will significantly increase in the near future.

编辑19-2-2015:自2014年12月以来,Nexus 5不再受支持,只有Nexus 6和9似乎支持BLE外围模式/广告。希望在不久的将来,支持这一功能的设备数量会显著增加。

More information and discussion here: https://code.google.com/p/android-developer-preview/issues/detail?id=1570

这里有更多的信息和讨论:https://code.google.com/p/android- development - preview/addrees/detail? id=1570。

Edit 6-3-2015: Added overview for quick reference


Edit 17-2-2016: Added some devices that I've checked myself but were not in any of the other lists


1 个解决方案



The Android 5.0.X will only allow you to use the new API for BLE. This new API comes with a new feature, which you mentioned in your question: The possibility of advertising, from your own Android device, using it in Peripheral mode. However, the disadvantaged of this new feature is that it is hardware dependent. For example, before you start any BLE you need to:

Android 5.0。X只允许你使用新的API。这个新的API有一个新特性,你在你的问题中提到过:广告的可能性,从你自己的Android设备,使用它在外围模式。然而,这个新特性的劣势在于它依赖于硬件。举个例子,在开始之前,你需要:

First: Check to see if the BLE is supported, which you can do by adding this line in your manifest: <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth_le" android:required:"true"/>


Second: You need to check if your chipset has support for it, using the following methods:



Also notice that for both of the above methods, the API documentation clearly states that:


"Return true if the multi advertisement is supported by the chipset"


"true if chipset supports on-chip filtering"


"true if chipset supports on-chip scan batching"


That being said, it brings us to the question:


"Which hardware devices are going to support this feature ?"


Well, the answer to that is a little bit more complicated since this is not a mandatory feature for the bluetooth hardware/protocol and it will probably vary from manufacture to manufacture. But for now, the only currently devices that officially are supporting the technology, without major issues, are the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9, since their hardware already comes with the support. The best that you can do it, is not rely solely on the technology for now and try to explore other possible solutions, if any.

这个问题的答案有点复杂,因为这不是蓝牙硬件/协议的强制性功能,它可能会因制造而异。但就目前而言,目前唯一官方支持这项技术的设备,没有重大问题,是Nexus 6和Nexus 9,因为它们的硬件已经得到了支持。你所能做的最好的事情,不是仅仅依赖于现在的技术,并且尝试去探索其他可能的解决方案,如果有的话。



The Android 5.0.X will only allow you to use the new API for BLE. This new API comes with a new feature, which you mentioned in your question: The possibility of advertising, from your own Android device, using it in Peripheral mode. However, the disadvantaged of this new feature is that it is hardware dependent. For example, before you start any BLE you need to:

Android 5.0。X只允许你使用新的API。这个新的API有一个新特性,你在你的问题中提到过:广告的可能性,从你自己的Android设备,使用它在外围模式。然而,这个新特性的劣势在于它依赖于硬件。举个例子,在开始之前,你需要:

First: Check to see if the BLE is supported, which you can do by adding this line in your manifest: <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth_le" android:required:"true"/>


Second: You need to check if your chipset has support for it, using the following methods:



Also notice that for both of the above methods, the API documentation clearly states that:


"Return true if the multi advertisement is supported by the chipset"


"true if chipset supports on-chip filtering"


"true if chipset supports on-chip scan batching"


That being said, it brings us to the question:


"Which hardware devices are going to support this feature ?"


Well, the answer to that is a little bit more complicated since this is not a mandatory feature for the bluetooth hardware/protocol and it will probably vary from manufacture to manufacture. But for now, the only currently devices that officially are supporting the technology, without major issues, are the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9, since their hardware already comes with the support. The best that you can do it, is not rely solely on the technology for now and try to explore other possible solutions, if any.

这个问题的答案有点复杂,因为这不是蓝牙硬件/协议的强制性功能,它可能会因制造而异。但就目前而言,目前唯一官方支持这项技术的设备,没有重大问题,是Nexus 6和Nexus 9,因为它们的硬件已经得到了支持。你所能做的最好的事情,不是仅仅依赖于现在的技术,并且尝试去探索其他可能的解决方案,如果有的话。