基于Web的游戏开发:Flex Builder还是Flash CS3?

时间:2022-06-17 18:56:41

I'm researching game development in Flash and Flex. I've downloaded the Flex Builder trial and have worked with older versions of Flash. I see that generally, Flex Builder is a developer's tool, and Flash is a designer's tool. It's not clear to me whether one is better suited to game development than the other, or if it's necessary to have both to effectively design games. To my mind, games are equal parts design/art and programming. Which tool is more commonly, or more intensively, used for game development?

我正在研究Flash和Flex中的游戏开发。我已经下载了Flex Builder试用版并使用过旧版本的Flash。我看到,通常,Flex Builder是开发人员的工具,Flash是设计师的工具。我不清楚一个人是否比另一个更适合游戏开发,或者是否有必要同时有效地设计游戏。在我看来,游戏是设计/艺术和编程的平等部分。哪种工具更常用,或更集中用于游戏开发?

9 个解决方案



Flex builder: Way better development/coding environment than Flash CS3/CS4

Flex构建器:比Flash CS3 / CS4更好的开发/编码环境

Flash CS3/CS4: Way better design environment than Flex

Flash CS3 / CS4:比Flex更好的设计环境

"Flash Style" application: (Sprites, MovieClips instead of flex UIComponents) Generally better performing for game type work.

“Flash Style”应用程序:( Sprite,MovieClips而不是flex UIComponents)通常对游戏类型的工作表现更好。

So how do you get all those benefits? You can make plain old flash apps in Flex Builder, they don't have to be Flex apps (File->New->Actionscript Project). Prepare art assets in Flash CS3/CS4, do all your code in Flex Builder get the best of both worlds.

那么你如何获得所有这些好处呢?您可以在Flex Builder中制作普通的旧Flash应用程序,它们不必是Flex应用程序(File-> New-> Actionscript Project)。在Flash CS3 / CS4中准备艺术资产,在Flex Builder中完成所有代码,实现两全其美。



A hypothetical workflow that gets me drooling is a dedicated team of artists/designers creating assets in Flash, and exporting them as swfs to a programmer wielding FlashDevelop.


The designers need not write code, and they work on one or more asset repositories in the form of Flash documents. Each asset is "Exported for Actionscript" (under the Linkage menu) and given an appropriate class name. The flash doc(s) are then published as swfs to the developer.

设计人员无需编写代码,而是以Flash文档的形式处理一个或多个资产存储库。每个资产都是“导出为Actionscript”(在“链接”菜单下)并给出了适当的类名。然后将flash doc(s)作为swfs发布给开发人员。

The developer copies these published assets to a project directory, where they can be embedded into an Asset class (or similar) with the [Embed] metadata tag...


public class Asset {

    [Embed(source="./assets/Enemies.swf", symbol="asset.KohrAhMeleeShip")]
    public static var KohrAhMeleeShip:Class;

    // etc.

Then, in the game code ...


var enemyFighter:EnemyFighter = new EnemyFighter( Asset.KohrAhMeleeShip );

The developer can then publish a monolithic swf, which contains the entire game code and all assets. This doesn't preclude the developer from "import loading" additional assets at runtime (using the Loader class), which would reduce initial load time.


Daydream ends.

PS. FlashDevelop is a very compelling environment for Flash game development, particularly when compared with Flex Builder, which is geared toward a very specific type of application (RIA).

PS。 FlashDevelop是一个非常引人注目的Flash游戏开发环境,特别是与Flex Builder相比,Flex Builder面向非常特殊类型的应用程序(RIA)。



Or a third player: Haxe


Haxe is used in game development. Some of them are mentioned on the page People Using Haxe.




If your game is simple, or you are an artist, then Flash CS3/4 is the clear choice.

如果你的游戏很简单,或者你是一名艺术家,那么Flash CS3 / 4就是明智的选择。

If your game is complex, or you will be working on it for a while, you will want to be using Flex. Developing using Adobe languages and tools is always painful for developers, but Flex less so than raw Flash. Flex at least provides a sane OO framework for building applications. Flex is pretty bloated though, and so you will have to take care with tuning your SWF size, but it really pays off in maintainability and code scalability.

如果您的游戏很复杂,或者您将会使用它一段时间,那么您将需要使用Flex。使用Adobe语言和工具进行开发对于开发人员来说总是很痛苦,但Flex比原始Flash更少。 Flex至少为构建应用程序提供了一个理智的OO框架。虽然Flex非常臃肿,因此您必须小心调整SWF大小,但它在可维护性和代码可伸缩性方面确实得到了回报。

The choice isn't mutually exclusive. You can build Flash components in Flash CS3/4 and use them in Flex. The main challenge for developing with both is the lack of coherent documentation or support from Adobe.

选择并非相互排斥。您可以在Flash CS3 / 4中构建Flash组件并在Flex中使用它们。与两者共同开发的主要挑战是缺乏连贯的文档或Adobe的支持。

Flex Builder is the way to go for a beginner, but it is quite expensive once the 60 day trial is through.

Flex Builder是初学者的一种方式,但是一旦60天的试用期结束,它就相当昂贵。

As to which is used more, probably raw Flash. But that is probably changing as Flex takes hold.




I use CS3 for most of the graphics and do all my code in FlashDevelop (which just aswell could be Flex Builder).
Since coding and graphics are two reasonably separate things, it's not a bad thing to use two different tools for them.

我在大多数图形中使用CS3,并在FlashDevelop中完成所有代码(它也可以是Flex Builder)。由于编码和图形是两个相当分离的东西,因此为它们使用两种不同的工具并不是一件坏事。



Flash CS3/4 is really helpful if you're creating frame-by-frame animation and for layout. If you're happy to do this stuff in code, then you won't need it. It's not the best tool for creating artwork anyway, you can use Paint.Net and Inkscape for that which are both free (or PhotoShop and Illustrator if you have the money).

如果您正在创建逐帧动画和布局,Flash CS3 / 4非常有用。如果您很乐意在代码中执行此操作,那么您将不需要它。它不是创建艺术作品的最佳工具,你可以使用Paint.Net和Inkscape来获得免费的(如果你有钱,可以使用PhotoShop和Illustrator)。

You don't want to use the Flex framework, so if you're using Flexbuilder you'll want to do an ActionScript project not an MXML project, as someone else noted. Save yourself some money and just use Flashdevelop with the MXMLC compiler.


Here's a blog post I wrote about free software for making Flash games:





I have no experience with flash cs3, but quite a lot of experience with flex builder. I would be surprised if flex builder was the best choice. The only real reason to pay for flex builder is charting, which I wouldn't imagine would be present in a game. It may be the best actionscript editor (which is what I would think the 'game logic' would be in), but there are surely good free ones out there. The actual compiler is free, and flex builder doesn't really help you with the visual components of a game.

我没有使用flash cs3的经验,但是有很多关于flex builder的经验。如果flex builder是最好的选择,我会感到惊讶。支付flex构建器的唯一真正原因是图表,我不会想象它会出现在游戏中。它可能是最好的动作脚本编辑器(这就是我认为'游戏逻辑'会在其中),但肯定有很好的免费版本。实际的编译器是免费的,而flex构建器并不能真正帮助您处理游戏的可视组件。



I have used both flash cs3/cs4 and flex builder 3.0 for game development,

我已经使用flash cs3 / cs4和flex builder 3.0进行游戏开发,

flash which better for only designers and more pain for developers,because action panel is not good for programming which is premature and only for designers who put sone dynamic animations on swf,


flex which is powerfull tool for developing games like visual studio 2005,and netbeans for java,which let the programmer to code in object-oriented approach easily,

flex是开发像visual studio 2005这样的游戏的强大工具,也是java的netbeans,它让程序员可以轻松地以面向对象的方式编写代码,



I can't say that I have used CS3/4, but if you want to make a game with Flex there is a tutorial series here that shows you how.

我不能说我已经使用过CS3 / 4,但是如果你想用Flex制作游戏,那么这里有一个教程系列向你展示如何。



Flex builder: Way better development/coding environment than Flash CS3/CS4

Flex构建器:比Flash CS3 / CS4更好的开发/编码环境

Flash CS3/CS4: Way better design environment than Flex

Flash CS3 / CS4:比Flex更好的设计环境

"Flash Style" application: (Sprites, MovieClips instead of flex UIComponents) Generally better performing for game type work.

“Flash Style”应用程序:( Sprite,MovieClips而不是flex UIComponents)通常对游戏类型的工作表现更好。

So how do you get all those benefits? You can make plain old flash apps in Flex Builder, they don't have to be Flex apps (File->New->Actionscript Project). Prepare art assets in Flash CS3/CS4, do all your code in Flex Builder get the best of both worlds.

那么你如何获得所有这些好处呢?您可以在Flex Builder中制作普通的旧Flash应用程序,它们不必是Flex应用程序(File-> New-> Actionscript Project)。在Flash CS3 / CS4中准备艺术资产,在Flex Builder中完成所有代码,实现两全其美。



A hypothetical workflow that gets me drooling is a dedicated team of artists/designers creating assets in Flash, and exporting them as swfs to a programmer wielding FlashDevelop.


The designers need not write code, and they work on one or more asset repositories in the form of Flash documents. Each asset is "Exported for Actionscript" (under the Linkage menu) and given an appropriate class name. The flash doc(s) are then published as swfs to the developer.

设计人员无需编写代码,而是以Flash文档的形式处理一个或多个资产存储库。每个资产都是“导出为Actionscript”(在“链接”菜单下)并给出了适当的类名。然后将flash doc(s)作为swfs发布给开发人员。

The developer copies these published assets to a project directory, where they can be embedded into an Asset class (or similar) with the [Embed] metadata tag...


public class Asset {

    [Embed(source="./assets/Enemies.swf", symbol="asset.KohrAhMeleeShip")]
    public static var KohrAhMeleeShip:Class;

    // etc.

Then, in the game code ...


var enemyFighter:EnemyFighter = new EnemyFighter( Asset.KohrAhMeleeShip );

The developer can then publish a monolithic swf, which contains the entire game code and all assets. This doesn't preclude the developer from "import loading" additional assets at runtime (using the Loader class), which would reduce initial load time.


Daydream ends.

PS. FlashDevelop is a very compelling environment for Flash game development, particularly when compared with Flex Builder, which is geared toward a very specific type of application (RIA).

PS。 FlashDevelop是一个非常引人注目的Flash游戏开发环境,特别是与Flex Builder相比,Flex Builder面向非常特殊类型的应用程序(RIA)。



Or a third player: Haxe


Haxe is used in game development. Some of them are mentioned on the page People Using Haxe.




If your game is simple, or you are an artist, then Flash CS3/4 is the clear choice.

如果你的游戏很简单,或者你是一名艺术家,那么Flash CS3 / 4就是明智的选择。

If your game is complex, or you will be working on it for a while, you will want to be using Flex. Developing using Adobe languages and tools is always painful for developers, but Flex less so than raw Flash. Flex at least provides a sane OO framework for building applications. Flex is pretty bloated though, and so you will have to take care with tuning your SWF size, but it really pays off in maintainability and code scalability.

如果您的游戏很复杂,或者您将会使用它一段时间,那么您将需要使用Flex。使用Adobe语言和工具进行开发对于开发人员来说总是很痛苦,但Flex比原始Flash更少。 Flex至少为构建应用程序提供了一个理智的OO框架。虽然Flex非常臃肿,因此您必须小心调整SWF大小,但它在可维护性和代码可伸缩性方面确实得到了回报。

The choice isn't mutually exclusive. You can build Flash components in Flash CS3/4 and use them in Flex. The main challenge for developing with both is the lack of coherent documentation or support from Adobe.

选择并非相互排斥。您可以在Flash CS3 / 4中构建Flash组件并在Flex中使用它们。与两者共同开发的主要挑战是缺乏连贯的文档或Adobe的支持。

Flex Builder is the way to go for a beginner, but it is quite expensive once the 60 day trial is through.

Flex Builder是初学者的一种方式,但是一旦60天的试用期结束,它就相当昂贵。

As to which is used more, probably raw Flash. But that is probably changing as Flex takes hold.




I use CS3 for most of the graphics and do all my code in FlashDevelop (which just aswell could be Flex Builder).
Since coding and graphics are two reasonably separate things, it's not a bad thing to use two different tools for them.

我在大多数图形中使用CS3,并在FlashDevelop中完成所有代码(它也可以是Flex Builder)。由于编码和图形是两个相当分离的东西,因此为它们使用两种不同的工具并不是一件坏事。



Flash CS3/4 is really helpful if you're creating frame-by-frame animation and for layout. If you're happy to do this stuff in code, then you won't need it. It's not the best tool for creating artwork anyway, you can use Paint.Net and Inkscape for that which are both free (or PhotoShop and Illustrator if you have the money).

如果您正在创建逐帧动画和布局,Flash CS3 / 4非常有用。如果您很乐意在代码中执行此操作,那么您将不需要它。它不是创建艺术作品的最佳工具,你可以使用Paint.Net和Inkscape来获得免费的(如果你有钱,可以使用PhotoShop和Illustrator)。

You don't want to use the Flex framework, so if you're using Flexbuilder you'll want to do an ActionScript project not an MXML project, as someone else noted. Save yourself some money and just use Flashdevelop with the MXMLC compiler.


Here's a blog post I wrote about free software for making Flash games:





I have no experience with flash cs3, but quite a lot of experience with flex builder. I would be surprised if flex builder was the best choice. The only real reason to pay for flex builder is charting, which I wouldn't imagine would be present in a game. It may be the best actionscript editor (which is what I would think the 'game logic' would be in), but there are surely good free ones out there. The actual compiler is free, and flex builder doesn't really help you with the visual components of a game.

我没有使用flash cs3的经验,但是有很多关于flex builder的经验。如果flex builder是最好的选择,我会感到惊讶。支付flex构建器的唯一真正原因是图表,我不会想象它会出现在游戏中。它可能是最好的动作脚本编辑器(这就是我认为'游戏逻辑'会在其中),但肯定有很好的免费版本。实际的编译器是免费的,而flex构建器并不能真正帮助您处理游戏的可视组件。



I have used both flash cs3/cs4 and flex builder 3.0 for game development,

我已经使用flash cs3 / cs4和flex builder 3.0进行游戏开发,

flash which better for only designers and more pain for developers,because action panel is not good for programming which is premature and only for designers who put sone dynamic animations on swf,


flex which is powerfull tool for developing games like visual studio 2005,and netbeans for java,which let the programmer to code in object-oriented approach easily,

flex是开发像visual studio 2005这样的游戏的强大工具,也是java的netbeans,它让程序员可以轻松地以面向对象的方式编写代码,



I can't say that I have used CS3/4, but if you want to make a game with Flex there is a tutorial series here that shows you how.

我不能说我已经使用过CS3 / 4,但是如果你想用Flex制作游戏,那么这里有一个教程系列向你展示如何。