jQuery: Ajax调用asp.net webservice失败,服务器返回500错误。

时间:2023-01-02 18:21:46

Ok, so I created a test project just to verify that jQuery AJAX works with asp.net service, and it does no problems. I used a default HelloWorld service created in VS studio. I am calling the service via jQuery like this:

好的,我创建了一个测试项目来验证jQuery AJAX与asp.net服务是否兼容,并且没有问题。我使用了在VS studio中创建的默认HelloWorld服务。我通过jQuery这样调用服务:

in Default.aspx:

在default . aspx:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

        //test web service
            type: "POST",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            url: "TestService.asmx/HelloWorld",
            data: "{}",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function(msg) { alert(msg);},
            error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {

in TestService.asmx


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;

namespace WebServiceTestWitJQuery
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for TestService
    /// </summary>
    [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
    [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
    // To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line. 
    public class TestService : System.Web.Services.WebService

        public string HelloWorld()
            return "Hello World";

I then proceeded and copied everything exactly as it is in my project and it does not work. I get a 500 server error.


I verified following:


  1. web.configs identical
  2. 网络。配置相同
  3. pages identical
  4. 页面相同
  5. service class identical
  6. 服务类的
  7. jquery ajax call identical
  8. jquery ajax调用相同的
  9. I can navigate to http://localhost:3272/TestService.asmx?op=HelloWorld and webservice works fine.
  10. 我可以导航到http://localhost:3272/TestService.asmx?HelloWorld和webservice运行良好。

What else?


6 个解决方案



Figured it out. When not sure what is happening use Fiddler. It clearly shows that server could not create an instance of the service class because it was in the wrong namespace. I had R# disabled and did not notice that I did not change the namespace of the service. Problem solved.




I have a couple of guesses as I know a bit about jQuery but not anything about asp.net.


On the jQuery call, you are indicating you want a json response. "Hello World" I would think will be returned as a raw string, not formatted as json. Remove the 'dataType: "json",' param and jQuery should do it's best to determine the received datatype.

在jQuery调用中,表示需要json响应。“Hello World”将作为原始字符串返回,而不是格式化为json。删除“数据类型”:“json”、“param”和“jQuery”应该尽可能地确定接收的数据类型。

I think the way you have written your jQuery code is only compatible with RESTful Web Services, not conventional web services with a WSDL. Although I don't know anything about asp.net, I don't see anything in the naming conventions here you are using REST.

我认为您编写jQuery代码的方式只与RESTful Web服务兼容,而不是使用WSDL的传统Web服务。虽然我对asp.net一无所知,但是在命名约定中我没有看到任何使用REST的东西。



Problem is in your Script URL so you need to Write full URL. Here is your solution. EG: URL:localhost:1111/TestService.asmx/HelloWorld

问题是在您的脚本URL中,所以您需要编写完整的URL。这是您的解决方案。例如:URL:localhost:1111 / TestService.asmx / HelloWorld



i solved this. i know too late for answer this question but may be somebody has same problem.


i removed below lines from ajax and 500 internal error disabled.


contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        data: "{}",
        dataType: "json",



I was receiving this error and it was caused by my WebService not having access to the session state. This is fixed by changing


public MyData GetMyData() {...}


[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public MyData GetMyData() {...}

See this link for more information : How to use Session state in ASP.NET WebService




I post this, because neither of the top solutions worked for me (VS2015, .Net4.0, ajax call in WebForms exactly like in the question). It worked only after I explicitly authorized the HttpPost in the config file like this :

我发布了这篇文章,因为这两种*解决方案对我都不起作用(VS2015、. net4.0、ajax在WebForms中的调用与问题中完全一样)。只有在我在配置文件中明确授权HttpPost之后,它才会工作:

    <add name="HttpGet" /> -- just for direct testing : delete this line after 
    <add name="HttpPost" />



Figured it out. When not sure what is happening use Fiddler. It clearly shows that server could not create an instance of the service class because it was in the wrong namespace. I had R# disabled and did not notice that I did not change the namespace of the service. Problem solved.




I have a couple of guesses as I know a bit about jQuery but not anything about asp.net.


On the jQuery call, you are indicating you want a json response. "Hello World" I would think will be returned as a raw string, not formatted as json. Remove the 'dataType: "json",' param and jQuery should do it's best to determine the received datatype.

在jQuery调用中,表示需要json响应。“Hello World”将作为原始字符串返回,而不是格式化为json。删除“数据类型”:“json”、“param”和“jQuery”应该尽可能地确定接收的数据类型。

I think the way you have written your jQuery code is only compatible with RESTful Web Services, not conventional web services with a WSDL. Although I don't know anything about asp.net, I don't see anything in the naming conventions here you are using REST.

我认为您编写jQuery代码的方式只与RESTful Web服务兼容,而不是使用WSDL的传统Web服务。虽然我对asp.net一无所知,但是在命名约定中我没有看到任何使用REST的东西。



Problem is in your Script URL so you need to Write full URL. Here is your solution. EG: URL:localhost:1111/TestService.asmx/HelloWorld

问题是在您的脚本URL中,所以您需要编写完整的URL。这是您的解决方案。例如:URL:localhost:1111 / TestService.asmx / HelloWorld



i solved this. i know too late for answer this question but may be somebody has same problem.


i removed below lines from ajax and 500 internal error disabled.


contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        data: "{}",
        dataType: "json",



I was receiving this error and it was caused by my WebService not having access to the session state. This is fixed by changing


public MyData GetMyData() {...}


[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public MyData GetMyData() {...}

See this link for more information : How to use Session state in ASP.NET WebService




I post this, because neither of the top solutions worked for me (VS2015, .Net4.0, ajax call in WebForms exactly like in the question). It worked only after I explicitly authorized the HttpPost in the config file like this :

我发布了这篇文章,因为这两种*解决方案对我都不起作用(VS2015、. net4.0、ajax在WebForms中的调用与问题中完全一样)。只有在我在配置文件中明确授权HttpPost之后,它才会工作:

    <add name="HttpGet" /> -- just for direct testing : delete this line after 
    <add name="HttpPost" />