code project 上的内存管理的示例代码

时间:2022-09-28 17:43:20
created: 2014/03/17 18:53
filename: main.cpp
author: Justme0 ( purpose: code project 内存管理
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
using namespace std; // Overload the new operator
void *operator new ( size_t size , bool isAllocFailure )
if ( isAllocFailure )
return NULL;
void *Memory = ::operator new ( size );
return Memory;
catch ( std::bad_alloc )
return NULL;
return NULL;
} // Overload placement delete operator so that exceptions from
// constructors can be handled
void operator delete ( void * Memory , bool isAllocFailure )
::delete Memory;
} void SimpleFunction ( int MemCounter , bool AllFail )
{ int LocalCounter = ;
char *Mem1 = new ( ( MemCounter == LocalCounter ++ ) || AllFail ) char [ ];
if ( Mem1 != NULL )
strcpy ( Mem1 , "First Memory" ); char *Mem2 = new ( ( MemCounter == LocalCounter ++ ) || AllFail ) char [ ];
if ( Mem2 != NULL )
strcpy ( Mem2 , "Second Memory" ); int NumTimesLoop = ;
int LoopCounter = ; // Create a Variable that will be allocate Inner Memory
char **InnerMemory = new ( ( MemCounter == LocalCounter ++ ) || AllFail ) char * [ NumTimesLoop ]; // Loop through and allocate the memory required
for ( LoopCounter = ; LoopCounter < NumTimesLoop ; LoopCounter ++ )
InnerMemory [ LoopCounter ] = new ( ( MemCounter == LocalCounter ++ ) || AllFail ) char [ ];
} } int main()
for ( int counter = ; counter < ; counter ++ )
SimpleFunction ( counter , false );
SimpleFunction ( - , true ); return ;