为什么这个helloworld haskell片段无法加载?

时间:2023-02-04 17:02:35

I write a file named "baby.hs" with the following codes


bmiTell :: => Double -> String                                                  
bmiTell bmi                                                                     
 | bmi <= 1 = "small"                                                           
 | bmi <= 10 = "medium"                                                         
 | bmi <= 100 = "large"                                                         
 | otherwise = "huge"     

When I load this file in GHCi, it complains like this:


ghci>:l baby.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( baby.hs, interpreted )

baby.hs:1:12: parse error on input ‘=>’
Failed, modules loaded: none.

If I remove the =>, it doesn't work either:


bmiTell :: Double -> String                                                     
bmiTell bmi                                                                     
 | bmi <= 1 = "small"                                                           
 | bmi <= 10 = "medium"                                                         
 | bmi <= 100 = "large"                                                         
 | otherwise "huge" 

Error info:

ghci>:l baby
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( baby.hs, interpreted )

    parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
Failed, modules loaded: none.

Does anyone have ideas about this?


1 个解决方案


In your first case, your type signature is wrong. It should be like this:


bmiTell ::  Double -> String  -- Notice that there is no =>

In your second case, you are missing = in the last line. It should be like this:


| otherwise = "huge"  -- Notice the presence of =

So a proper working code will look like this:


bmiTell ::  Double -> String
bmiTell bmi
  | bmi <= 1 = "small"
  | bmi <= 10 = "medium"
  | bmi <= 100 = "large"
  | otherwise = "huge"


In your first case, your type signature is wrong. It should be like this:


bmiTell ::  Double -> String  -- Notice that there is no =>

In your second case, you are missing = in the last line. It should be like this:


| otherwise = "huge"  -- Notice the presence of =

So a proper working code will look like this:


bmiTell ::  Double -> String
bmiTell bmi
  | bmi <= 1 = "small"
  | bmi <= 10 = "medium"
  | bmi <= 100 = "large"
  | otherwise = "huge"