
时间:2021-11-24 17:00:26

I have a web service method that expects a parameter of type OnlinePaymentResponse. This type includes a property of type CustomData, like this:


public class OnlinePaymentResponse
   public CustomData CustomData { get; set; }

CustomData class is like this:


[XmlType(Namespace = XmlConstants.Namespace)]
public class CustomData
    public CustomData()
        this.Tables = new List<DynamicTable>();

    public List<DynamicTable> Tables { get; set; }


Problem is, when I generate the proxy with svcutil.exe, insted of getting the CustomData type I'm getting an array of DynamicTable.


public partial class OnlinePaymentResponse
    private DynamicTable[] customDataField;


I've been playing with it and found that if I remove the XmlElement attribute of the Tables property, it will generate the proxy class properly:


public partial class OnlinePaymentResponse
    private CustomData customDataField;


I don't understand why does it happen. I've been playing with DataContract, DataMember, XmlRoot and other attributes but I haven't been able to get the proxy right without removing the XmlElement attribute. What am I missing here?


1 个解决方案



Svcutil try to generate a class not to be coupled to .NET. type, so an array is a common type that can be use for other platforms.


You can create a with CollectionDataContract attribute (see more here: CollectionDataContract attribute) and inherits from List, it will generate a complex that is not an array.




Svcutil try to generate a class not to be coupled to .NET. type, so an array is a common type that can be use for other platforms.


You can create a with CollectionDataContract attribute (see more here: CollectionDataContract attribute) and inherits from List, it will generate a complex that is not an array.
