
时间:2022-07-04 16:56:38

I have a website of publications with various types (Normal, Type 1, Type 2) and each type requires special data.


My question is:


What is the best way to store these "special data" in the database?


1) Create a table for each type of publication.
2) Create a table "posts_metadata" with the columns "post, key, value" and save all types in them.
3) create a "metadata" column in the "posts" table and save the "specials data" in them using JSON format.
4) create a "metadata" column in the "posts" table and save the "specials data" in them using XML format.

1)为每种类型的发布创建一个表。 2)创建一个表“posts_metadata”,其中包含“post,key,value”列,并保存所有类型。 3)在“posts”表中创建“元数据”列,并使用JSON格式将“特殊数据”保存在其中。 4)在“posts”表中创建“元数据”列,并使用XML格式将“特殊数据”保存在其中。

What do you think is the most efficient and practical option?


Edit #1:

Example of data:


Normal: without "special data"


Type 1:

'trademark' => 'Volkswagen'
'model' => 'gol 1.6'
'color' => 'white'
'doors' => '3'
'kms' => '17000'

Type 2:

'color' => 'green'
'size' => '15x10'
'status' => 'new'

...More Types...

1 个解决方案



If you want to be able to query onto those special data fields choose option 2.


If you only want a storage for the data choose option 3. Depending on the possible size of the data I would create an extra table for it and depending on your version of mysql give the column the json-datatype, if you need the validation etc. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json.html.


Do not use option 4, in comparison to json xml creates too much overhead and adds no benefit in this scenario.

不要使用选项4,与json xml相比,创建了太多的开销,并且在这种情况下没有任何好处。



If you want to be able to query onto those special data fields choose option 2.


If you only want a storage for the data choose option 3. Depending on the possible size of the data I would create an extra table for it and depending on your version of mysql give the column the json-datatype, if you need the validation etc. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json.html.


Do not use option 4, in comparison to json xml creates too much overhead and adds no benefit in this scenario.

不要使用选项4,与json xml相比,创建了太多的开销,并且在这种情况下没有任何好处。