
时间:2022-08-10 16:56:19

I'm fetching some data from an API on regular interval and wants to store the JSON data into database to access and use later.


From API, I get data in this sample each time:


'{"data": {"cursor": null, "files": {"nodes": [{u'code': u'BOPhmYQg5Vm', u'date': 1482244678,u'counts': 2, u'id': u'1409492981312099686'}, {u'code': u'g5VmBOPhmYQ', u'date': 1482244678,u'counts': 5, u'id': u'1209968614094929813'}]}}}'

I can json_data = json.loads(above_data) and then fetch nodes as nodes_data = json_data["data"]["files"]["nodes"] which gives a list of nodes.

我可以json_data = json.loads(above_data)然后获取节点作为nodes_data = json_data [“data”] [“files”] [“nodes”],它给出一个节点列表。

I want to store this nodes data into DB column data = Column(db.Text) of Text type. Each time there are going to be 10-15 values in nodes list.

我想将此节点数据存储到文本类型的DB列data = Column(db.Text)中。每次节点列表中将有10-15个值。

How do I store? There are multiple nodes and I need it in a way that in future I can append/add more nodes to already available data column in my db.


While I would like to do json.loads(db_data_col) so that I get valid json and can loop over all of nodes to get internal data and use later.


I'm confused on how to store in db and access later in valid json format.


Edit 1: Using Sqlite for testing. Can use PostgresSQL in future. Text type of column is main point.


2 个解决方案



I found a way to store JSON data into DB. Since I'm accessing nodes from remote service which returns a list of nodes on every request, I need to build proper json to store/retrieve from db.


Say API returned json text as : '{"cursor": null, "nodes" = [{"name": "Test1", "value: 1}, {"name": "Test2", "value: 2}, ...]}'

假设API将json文本返回为:'{“cursor”:null,“nodes”= [{“name”:“Test1”,“value:1},{”name“:”Test2“,”value:2}, ...]}”

So, first we need to access nodes list as:


data = json.loads(api_data)
nodes = data['nodes']

Now for 1st entry into DB column we need to do following:


str_data = json.dumps({"nodes": nodes})

str_data = json.dumps({“nodes”:nodes})

So, str_data would return a valid string/buffer, which we can store into DB with a "nodes" key.


For 2nd or successive entries into DB column, we will do following:


# get data string from DB column and load into json
db_data = json.loads(db_col_data)
# get new/latest 'nodes' data from api as explained above
# append this data to 'db_data' json as
latest_data = db_data["nodes"] + new_api_nodes
# now add this data back to column after json.dumps()
db_col_data = json.dumps(latest_data)
# add to DB col and DB commit

It is a proper way to load/dump data from DB while adding/removing json and keeping proper format.





If you are using Django 1.8 you can create your own model field that can store a json. This class will make sure that you have the right JSON format as well.

如果您使用的是Django 1.8,您可以创建自己的模型字段,可以存储json。该类将确保您具有正确的JSON格式。

import json
from django.db import models

class JsonField(models.TextField):
    Stores json-able python objects as json.
    def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
            return json.dumps(value)
        except TypeError:
                "cannot serialize %s to store in a JsonField", str(value)
            return ""

    def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection, context):
        if value == "":
            return None
            return json.loads(value)
        except TypeError:
            BAD_DATA.error("cannot load dictionary field -- type error")
            return None



I found a way to store JSON data into DB. Since I'm accessing nodes from remote service which returns a list of nodes on every request, I need to build proper json to store/retrieve from db.


Say API returned json text as : '{"cursor": null, "nodes" = [{"name": "Test1", "value: 1}, {"name": "Test2", "value: 2}, ...]}'

假设API将json文本返回为:'{“cursor”:null,“nodes”= [{“name”:“Test1”,“value:1},{”name“:”Test2“,”value:2}, ...]}”

So, first we need to access nodes list as:


data = json.loads(api_data)
nodes = data['nodes']

Now for 1st entry into DB column we need to do following:


str_data = json.dumps({"nodes": nodes})

str_data = json.dumps({“nodes”:nodes})

So, str_data would return a valid string/buffer, which we can store into DB with a "nodes" key.


For 2nd or successive entries into DB column, we will do following:


# get data string from DB column and load into json
db_data = json.loads(db_col_data)
# get new/latest 'nodes' data from api as explained above
# append this data to 'db_data' json as
latest_data = db_data["nodes"] + new_api_nodes
# now add this data back to column after json.dumps()
db_col_data = json.dumps(latest_data)
# add to DB col and DB commit

It is a proper way to load/dump data from DB while adding/removing json and keeping proper format.





If you are using Django 1.8 you can create your own model field that can store a json. This class will make sure that you have the right JSON format as well.

如果您使用的是Django 1.8,您可以创建自己的模型字段,可以存储json。该类将确保您具有正确的JSON格式。

import json
from django.db import models

class JsonField(models.TextField):
    Stores json-able python objects as json.
    def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
            return json.dumps(value)
        except TypeError:
                "cannot serialize %s to store in a JsonField", str(value)
            return ""

    def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection, context):
        if value == "":
            return None
            return json.loads(value)
        except TypeError:
            BAD_DATA.error("cannot load dictionary field -- type error")
            return None