HANA SQL中按订单对相同元素的不同分组

时间:2021-04-30 16:51:25

I have a table like this:


     NanoTime            Sensor   Key   Rank
15,899,129,832,916     Gyroscope   i     1
15,899,132,632,874     Gyroscope   i     2
15,899,152,377,999     Gyroscope   i     3
15,900,080,214,835     Gyroscope   o     1
15,900,092,388,626     Gyroscope   o     2
15,900,112,529,501     Gyroscope   o     3
15,971,592,577,285     Gyroscope   i     4
15,971,592,739,660     Gyroscope   i     5
15,971,612,339,952     Gyroscope   i     6
15,971,632,305,202     Gyroscope   i     7
15,972,579,736,201     Gyroscope   o     4
15,972,592,583,743     Gyroscope   o     5
15,972,612,371,701     Gyroscope   o     6

The code I used for creating the "Rank" column was:


SELECT "NanoTime","Sensor", "Key",
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY "Sensor", "Key" ORDER BY "NanoTime" ASC) as RANK
WHERE "Sensor" = 'Gyroscope'
GROUP BY "NanoTime","Sensor", "Key"

I want to create a table which the ranks are sorted by "batch" and also include a "Group" column to separate each session (one session contains all the elements with the same "Key") like the one below.


Can you help me with it? Thank you!


     NanoTime            Sensor   Key   Rank    Group
15,899,129,832,916     Gyroscope   i     1       1
15,899,132,632,874     Gyroscope   i     2       1
15,899,152,377,999     Gyroscope   i     3       1
15,900,080,214,835     Gyroscope   o     1       2
15,900,092,388,626     Gyroscope   o     2       2
15,900,112,529,501     Gyroscope   o     3       2
15,971,592,577,285     Gyroscope   i     1       3
15,971,592,739,660     Gyroscope   i     2       3
15,971,612,339,952     Gyroscope   i     3       3
15,971,632,305,202     Gyroscope   i     4       3
15,972,579,736,201     Gyroscope   o     1       4
15,972,592,583,743     Gyroscope   o     2       4
15,972,612,371,701     Gyroscope   o     3       4

1 个解决方案



Here is a SQLScript code which can help you to get the grouping and ranking values as you need


--create table Nano ( NanoTime varchar(30), Sensor varchar(30), key char(1))
insert into Nano values ('15,899,129,832,916','Gyroscope','i');--     1
insert into Nano values ('15,899,132,632,874','Gyroscope','i');--     2
insert into Nano values ('15,899,152,377,999','Gyroscope','i');--     3
insert into Nano values ('15,900,080,214,835','Gyroscope','o');--     1
insert into Nano values ('15,900,092,388,626','Gyroscope','o');--     2
insert into Nano values ('15,900,112,529,501','Gyroscope','o');--     3
insert into Nano values ('15,971,592,577,285','Gyroscope','i');--     4
insert into Nano values ('15,971,592,739,660','Gyroscope','i');--     5
insert into Nano values ('15,971,612,339,952','Gyroscope','i');--     6
insert into Nano values ('15,971,632,305,202','Gyroscope','i');--     7
insert into Nano values ('15,972,579,736,201','Gyroscope','o');--     4
insert into Nano values ('15,972,592,583,743','Gyroscope','o');--     5
insert into Nano values ('15,972,612,371,701','Gyroscope','o');--     6

with cte as (
        lag(Sensor,1,'') over (order by NanoTime) previousSensor,
        lag(key,1,'') over (order by NanoTime) previouskey,
        case when 
            lag(Sensor,1,'') over (order by NanoTime) = Sensor and
            lag(key,1,'') over (order by NanoTime) = key
            then 0 else 1 end ischange
    from Nano
    order by NanoTime
select NanoTime, Sensor, Key, Row_Number() Over (Partition By GroupNo Order By NanoTime) as Rank, GroupNo
from (
select cte.*, (select sum(x.ischange) from cte x where x.NanoTime <= cte.NanoTime) as groupno
from cte
) t

With the sample data and above SAP HANA SQLScript code execution, the following output is accessed

使用示例数据和上面的SAP HANA SQLScript代码执行,将访问以下输出

HANA SQL中按订单对相同元素的不同分组

For the data to catch changing group numbers, I used SQL Lag() function which is very similar on both database platforms SAP HANA and SQL Server

为了捕获更改组号的数据,我使用了SQL Lag()函数,它在数据库平台SAP HANA和SQL Server上非常相似

Row_Number() function with Partition By clause is an other SQLScript function (same as SQL Server) which helps me to resolve the issue.

带有Partition By子句的Row_Number()函数是另一个SQLScript函数(与SQL Server相同),它可以帮助我解决问题。

I hope this is what you want




Here is a SQLScript code which can help you to get the grouping and ranking values as you need


--create table Nano ( NanoTime varchar(30), Sensor varchar(30), key char(1))
insert into Nano values ('15,899,129,832,916','Gyroscope','i');--     1
insert into Nano values ('15,899,132,632,874','Gyroscope','i');--     2
insert into Nano values ('15,899,152,377,999','Gyroscope','i');--     3
insert into Nano values ('15,900,080,214,835','Gyroscope','o');--     1
insert into Nano values ('15,900,092,388,626','Gyroscope','o');--     2
insert into Nano values ('15,900,112,529,501','Gyroscope','o');--     3
insert into Nano values ('15,971,592,577,285','Gyroscope','i');--     4
insert into Nano values ('15,971,592,739,660','Gyroscope','i');--     5
insert into Nano values ('15,971,612,339,952','Gyroscope','i');--     6
insert into Nano values ('15,971,632,305,202','Gyroscope','i');--     7
insert into Nano values ('15,972,579,736,201','Gyroscope','o');--     4
insert into Nano values ('15,972,592,583,743','Gyroscope','o');--     5
insert into Nano values ('15,972,612,371,701','Gyroscope','o');--     6

with cte as (
        lag(Sensor,1,'') over (order by NanoTime) previousSensor,
        lag(key,1,'') over (order by NanoTime) previouskey,
        case when 
            lag(Sensor,1,'') over (order by NanoTime) = Sensor and
            lag(key,1,'') over (order by NanoTime) = key
            then 0 else 1 end ischange
    from Nano
    order by NanoTime
select NanoTime, Sensor, Key, Row_Number() Over (Partition By GroupNo Order By NanoTime) as Rank, GroupNo
from (
select cte.*, (select sum(x.ischange) from cte x where x.NanoTime <= cte.NanoTime) as groupno
from cte
) t

With the sample data and above SAP HANA SQLScript code execution, the following output is accessed

使用示例数据和上面的SAP HANA SQLScript代码执行,将访问以下输出

HANA SQL中按订单对相同元素的不同分组

For the data to catch changing group numbers, I used SQL Lag() function which is very similar on both database platforms SAP HANA and SQL Server

为了捕获更改组号的数据,我使用了SQL Lag()函数,它在数据库平台SAP HANA和SQL Server上非常相似

Row_Number() function with Partition By clause is an other SQLScript function (same as SQL Server) which helps me to resolve the issue.

带有Partition By子句的Row_Number()函数是另一个SQLScript函数(与SQL Server相同),它可以帮助我解决问题。

I hope this is what you want
