数据存储困境 - 作为整数计数还是作为关联?

时间:2022-11-11 16:50:09

This one should be pretty easy for an experienced programmer to answer.


I've got a Rails App where users are encouraged to click different buttons that are featured all around the site. When it comes to storing the data, I need to record two things:


1) The total number of people that have clicked each individual button. 2) The number of unique people that have clicked each individual button.

1)单击每个按钮的总人数。 2)单击每个按钮的唯一人数。

95% percent of the time, I don't need to know WHO the people that actually did the clicking are. This data is accessed very frequently. The other 5% of the time I DO need to know who clicked what, and I need to iterate over those people and perform certain actions.


Right now I have a Click model that records the user and the button for each click. What I'm not sure about is whether I should be doing some sort of unique select on the clicks to find the unique ones, or if I should create a separate model for unique clicks. Furthermore, would it be smart to create a num_clicks column for the button model and increment it each time someone clicks as well as adding the click as a record? Or should I just do a select count(*) each time?


Thanks for the help!


1 个解决方案



You can use the counter cache columns for all your purposes.




You can use the counter cache columns for all your purposes.
