visual basic 6.0中的多线程

时间:2022-02-08 16:32:37

How to implement multi-threading in visual basic 6.0. It would be great if someone can give an example.

如何在visual basic 6.0中实现多线程。如果有人可以举一个例子,那就太棒了。

4 个解决方案



VB6 is not a really good environment for multi-threaded applications. There is no out-of-the-box support, you need to delve into standard WinAPI functions. Take a look at this article, which provides quite a comprehensive sample:




On several projects I have implemented asynchronous processing in VB6 using multiple processes. Basically having a worker thread within an active exe project that is separate from the main process. The worker exe can then be passed whatever data it needs and started, raising back an event to say it's finished or there is data for the main process.

在几个项目中,我使用多个进程在VB6中实现了异步处理。基本上在活动的exe项目中有一个与主进程分开的工作线程。然后,worker exe可以传递它需要和启动的任何数据,重新启动事件以说明它已完成或主进程有数据。

It's a more resource hungry (an extra process rather than a thread) but VB6 is running in a single threaded apartment and doesn't have any built in support for starting new threads.


If you really need to have multiple threads within one process I'd suggest looking at using .net or VC6 rather than VB6.




If the problem that you are trying to solve is a long calculation and you want to keep the UI responsive, then one possibility is to frequently call the DoEvents function within your long calculation. This way, your program can process any Windows messages, and thus the UI will respond to user commands. You can also set up a Cancel button to signal your process that it needs to end.


If you do this, then you will need to be careful to disable any controls that could cause a problem, such as running the long process a second time after it has started.




You can use the Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0 for multithreading in VB6. The Toolkit allows you to take advantage of .NET features without being forced onto an upgrade pat. Thus you can also use .NET User Controls as ActiveX controls in VB6.

您可以在VB6中使用Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0进行多线程处理。 Toolkit允许您利用.NET功能而不必强制进行升级。因此,您还可以在VB6中将.NET用户控件用作ActiveX控件。



VB6 is not a really good environment for multi-threaded applications. There is no out-of-the-box support, you need to delve into standard WinAPI functions. Take a look at this article, which provides quite a comprehensive sample:




On several projects I have implemented asynchronous processing in VB6 using multiple processes. Basically having a worker thread within an active exe project that is separate from the main process. The worker exe can then be passed whatever data it needs and started, raising back an event to say it's finished or there is data for the main process.

在几个项目中,我使用多个进程在VB6中实现了异步处理。基本上在活动的exe项目中有一个与主进程分开的工作线程。然后,worker exe可以传递它需要和启动的任何数据,重新启动事件以说明它已完成或主进程有数据。

It's a more resource hungry (an extra process rather than a thread) but VB6 is running in a single threaded apartment and doesn't have any built in support for starting new threads.


If you really need to have multiple threads within one process I'd suggest looking at using .net or VC6 rather than VB6.




If the problem that you are trying to solve is a long calculation and you want to keep the UI responsive, then one possibility is to frequently call the DoEvents function within your long calculation. This way, your program can process any Windows messages, and thus the UI will respond to user commands. You can also set up a Cancel button to signal your process that it needs to end.


If you do this, then you will need to be careful to disable any controls that could cause a problem, such as running the long process a second time after it has started.




You can use the Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0 for multithreading in VB6. The Toolkit allows you to take advantage of .NET features without being forced onto an upgrade pat. Thus you can also use .NET User Controls as ActiveX controls in VB6.

您可以在VB6中使用Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0进行多线程处理。 Toolkit允许您利用.NET功能而不必强制进行升级。因此,您还可以在VB6中将.NET用户控件用作ActiveX控件。