
时间:2022-11-07 16:29:09

Recently, I read this article:


My question is, instead of creating a method like this:


public void drawAll(List<? extends Shape> shapes){
    for (Shape s: shapes) {

I can create a method like this, and it works fine:


public <T extends Shape> void drawAll(List<T> shapes){
    for (Shape s: shapes) {

Which way should I use? Is wildcard useful in this case?


5 个解决方案



It depends on what you need to do. You need to use the bounded type parameter if you wanted to do something like this:


public <T extends Shape> void addIfPretty(List<T> shapes, T shape) {
    if (shape.isPretty()) {

Here we have a List<T> shapes and a T shape, therefore we can safely shapes.add(shape). If it was declared List<? extends Shape>, you can NOT safely add to it (because you may have a List<Square> and a Circle).

这里我们有一个列表 形状和一个T形状,因此我们可以安全地进行shape .add(shape)。如果它被声明为List ,您不能安全地添加到它(因为您可能有一个列表 和一个圆圈)。

So by giving a name to a bounded type parameter, we have the option to use it elsewhere in our generic method. This information is not always required, of course, so if you don't need to know that much about the type (e.g. your drawAll), then just wildcard is sufficient.


Even if you're not referring to the bounded type parameter again, a bounded type parameter is still required if you have multiple bounds. Here's a quote from Angelika Langer's Java Generics FAQs

即使您不再引用有界类型参数,如果您有多个边界,仍然需要有界类型参数。这是一个来自Angelika Langer的Java泛型faq的引用。

What is the difference between a wildcard bound and a type parameter bound?


A wildcard can have only one bound, while a type parameter can have several bounds. A wildcard can have a lower or an upper bound, while there is no such thing as a lower bound for a type parameter.


Wildcard bounds and type parameter bounds are often confused, because they are both called bounds and have in part similar syntax. […]




  type parameter bound     T extends Class & Interface1 & … & InterfaceN

  wildcard bound  
      upper bound          ? extends SuperType
      lower bound          ? super   SubType

A wildcard can have only one bound, either a lower or an upper bound. A list of wildcard bounds is not permitted.


A type parameter, in constrast, can have several bounds, but there is no such thing as a lower bound for a type parameter.


Quotes from Effective Java 2nd Edition, Item 28: Use bounded wildcards to increase API flexibility:


For maximum flexibility, use wildcard types on input parameters that represent producers or consumers. […] PECS stands for producer-extends, consumer-super […]


Do not use wildcard types as return types. Rather than providing additional flexibility for your users, it would force them to use wildcard types in client code. Properly used, wildcard types are nearly invisible to users of a class. They cause methods to accept the parameters they should accept and reject those they should reject. If the user of the class has to think about wildcard types, there is probably something wrong with the class's API.


Applying the PECS principle, we can now go back to our addIfPretty example and make it more flexible by writing the following:


public <T extends Shape> void addIfPretty(List<? super T> list, T shape) { … }

Now we can addIfPretty, say, a Circle, to a List<Object>. This is obviously typesafe, and yet our original declaration was not flexible enough to allow it.


Related questions


  • Do use bounded type parameters/wildcards, they increase flexibility of your API
  • 是否使用有界类型参数/通配符,它们增加了API的灵活性
  • If the type requires several parameters, you have no choice but to use bounded type parameter
  • 如果类型需要多个参数,则只能使用有界类型参数
  • if the type requires a lowerbound, you have no choice but to use bounded wildcard
  • 如果类型需要一个下界,您就没有选择,只能使用有界通配符。
  • "Producers" have upperbounds, "consumers" have lowerbounds
  • “生产者”有上限,“消费者”有底线
  • Do not use wildcard in return types
  • 在返回类型中不使用通配符



In your example you don't really need to use T, since you don't use that type anywhere else.


But if you did something like:


public <T extends Shape> T drawFirstAndReturnIt(List<T> shapes){
    T s = shapes.get(0);
    return s;

or like polygenlubricants said, if you want to match the type parameter in the list with another type parameter:


public <T extends Shape> void mergeThenDraw(List<T> shapes1, List<T> shapes2) {
    List<T> mergedList = new ArrayList<T>();
    for (Shape s: mergedList) {

In the first example you get a bit more type safety then returning just Shape, since you can then pass the result to a function that may take a child of Shape. For example you may pass a List<Square> to my method, and then pass the resulting Square to a method that only takes Squares. If you used '?' you would have to cast the resulting Shape to Square which would not be type safe.

在第一个示例中,您可以获得更多的类型安全性,然后只返回形状,因为您可以将结果传递给可能具有形状子元素的函数。例如,您可以将列表 传递给我的方法,然后将结果平方传递给一个只取平方的方法。如果你使用的?你必须将最终的形状转换成方形,这样就不安全了。

In the second example you ensure that both lists have the same type parameter (which you can't do with '?', since each '?' is different), so that you can create a list that contains all elements from both of them.




Consider following example from The Java Programming by James Gosling 4th edition below where we want to merge 2 SinglyLinkQueue:

请考虑下面的例子,来自Java编程的James Gosling第4版,我们想合并2个单独链接队列:

public static <T1, T2 extends T1> void merge(SinglyLinkQueue<T1> d, SinglyLinkQueue<T2> s){
    // merge s element into d

public static <T> void merge(SinglyLinkQueue<T> d, SinglyLinkQueue<? extends T> s){
        // merge s element into d

Both of the above methods have the same functionality. So which is preferable? Answer is 2nd one. In the author's own words :


"The general rule is to use wildcards when you can because code with wildcards is generally more readable than code with multiple type parameters. When deciding if you need a type variable, ask yourself if that type variable is used to relate two or more parameters, or to relate a parameter type with the return type. If the answer is no, then a wildcard should suffice."


Note: In book only second method is given and type parameter name is S instead of 'T'. First method is not there in the book.




As far as I understand, the wildcard allows for more concise code in situations where a type parameter is not required (e.g. because it's referenced at several places or because multiple bounds are required as detailed in other answers).


In the link you indicate I read (under "Generic Methods") the following statements which hint in this direction:


Generic methods allow type parameters to be used to express dependencies among the types of one or more arguments to a method and/or its return type. If there isn't such a dependency, a generic method should not be used.




Using wildcards is clearer and more concise than declaring explicit type parameters, and should therefore be preferred whenever possible.




Wildcards also have the advantage that they can be used outside of method signatures, as the types of fields, local variables and arrays.




The second way is a bit more verbose, but it allows you to refer T inside it:


for (T shape : shapes) {

That's the only difference, as far as I understand.




It depends on what you need to do. You need to use the bounded type parameter if you wanted to do something like this:


public <T extends Shape> void addIfPretty(List<T> shapes, T shape) {
    if (shape.isPretty()) {

Here we have a List<T> shapes and a T shape, therefore we can safely shapes.add(shape). If it was declared List<? extends Shape>, you can NOT safely add to it (because you may have a List<Square> and a Circle).

这里我们有一个列表 形状和一个T形状,因此我们可以安全地进行shape .add(shape)。如果它被声明为List ,您不能安全地添加到它(因为您可能有一个列表 和一个圆圈)。

So by giving a name to a bounded type parameter, we have the option to use it elsewhere in our generic method. This information is not always required, of course, so if you don't need to know that much about the type (e.g. your drawAll), then just wildcard is sufficient.


Even if you're not referring to the bounded type parameter again, a bounded type parameter is still required if you have multiple bounds. Here's a quote from Angelika Langer's Java Generics FAQs

即使您不再引用有界类型参数,如果您有多个边界,仍然需要有界类型参数。这是一个来自Angelika Langer的Java泛型faq的引用。

What is the difference between a wildcard bound and a type parameter bound?


A wildcard can have only one bound, while a type parameter can have several bounds. A wildcard can have a lower or an upper bound, while there is no such thing as a lower bound for a type parameter.


Wildcard bounds and type parameter bounds are often confused, because they are both called bounds and have in part similar syntax. […]




  type parameter bound     T extends Class & Interface1 & … & InterfaceN

  wildcard bound  
      upper bound          ? extends SuperType
      lower bound          ? super   SubType

A wildcard can have only one bound, either a lower or an upper bound. A list of wildcard bounds is not permitted.


A type parameter, in constrast, can have several bounds, but there is no such thing as a lower bound for a type parameter.


Quotes from Effective Java 2nd Edition, Item 28: Use bounded wildcards to increase API flexibility:


For maximum flexibility, use wildcard types on input parameters that represent producers or consumers. […] PECS stands for producer-extends, consumer-super […]


Do not use wildcard types as return types. Rather than providing additional flexibility for your users, it would force them to use wildcard types in client code. Properly used, wildcard types are nearly invisible to users of a class. They cause methods to accept the parameters they should accept and reject those they should reject. If the user of the class has to think about wildcard types, there is probably something wrong with the class's API.


Applying the PECS principle, we can now go back to our addIfPretty example and make it more flexible by writing the following:


public <T extends Shape> void addIfPretty(List<? super T> list, T shape) { … }

Now we can addIfPretty, say, a Circle, to a List<Object>. This is obviously typesafe, and yet our original declaration was not flexible enough to allow it.


Related questions


  • Do use bounded type parameters/wildcards, they increase flexibility of your API
  • 是否使用有界类型参数/通配符,它们增加了API的灵活性
  • If the type requires several parameters, you have no choice but to use bounded type parameter
  • 如果类型需要多个参数,则只能使用有界类型参数
  • if the type requires a lowerbound, you have no choice but to use bounded wildcard
  • 如果类型需要一个下界,您就没有选择,只能使用有界通配符。
  • "Producers" have upperbounds, "consumers" have lowerbounds
  • “生产者”有上限,“消费者”有底线
  • Do not use wildcard in return types
  • 在返回类型中不使用通配符



In your example you don't really need to use T, since you don't use that type anywhere else.


But if you did something like:


public <T extends Shape> T drawFirstAndReturnIt(List<T> shapes){
    T s = shapes.get(0);
    return s;

or like polygenlubricants said, if you want to match the type parameter in the list with another type parameter:


public <T extends Shape> void mergeThenDraw(List<T> shapes1, List<T> shapes2) {
    List<T> mergedList = new ArrayList<T>();
    for (Shape s: mergedList) {

In the first example you get a bit more type safety then returning just Shape, since you can then pass the result to a function that may take a child of Shape. For example you may pass a List<Square> to my method, and then pass the resulting Square to a method that only takes Squares. If you used '?' you would have to cast the resulting Shape to Square which would not be type safe.

在第一个示例中,您可以获得更多的类型安全性,然后只返回形状,因为您可以将结果传递给可能具有形状子元素的函数。例如,您可以将列表 传递给我的方法,然后将结果平方传递给一个只取平方的方法。如果你使用的?你必须将最终的形状转换成方形,这样就不安全了。

In the second example you ensure that both lists have the same type parameter (which you can't do with '?', since each '?' is different), so that you can create a list that contains all elements from both of them.




Consider following example from The Java Programming by James Gosling 4th edition below where we want to merge 2 SinglyLinkQueue:

请考虑下面的例子,来自Java编程的James Gosling第4版,我们想合并2个单独链接队列:

public static <T1, T2 extends T1> void merge(SinglyLinkQueue<T1> d, SinglyLinkQueue<T2> s){
    // merge s element into d

public static <T> void merge(SinglyLinkQueue<T> d, SinglyLinkQueue<? extends T> s){
        // merge s element into d

Both of the above methods have the same functionality. So which is preferable? Answer is 2nd one. In the author's own words :


"The general rule is to use wildcards when you can because code with wildcards is generally more readable than code with multiple type parameters. When deciding if you need a type variable, ask yourself if that type variable is used to relate two or more parameters, or to relate a parameter type with the return type. If the answer is no, then a wildcard should suffice."


Note: In book only second method is given and type parameter name is S instead of 'T'. First method is not there in the book.




As far as I understand, the wildcard allows for more concise code in situations where a type parameter is not required (e.g. because it's referenced at several places or because multiple bounds are required as detailed in other answers).


In the link you indicate I read (under "Generic Methods") the following statements which hint in this direction:


Generic methods allow type parameters to be used to express dependencies among the types of one or more arguments to a method and/or its return type. If there isn't such a dependency, a generic method should not be used.




Using wildcards is clearer and more concise than declaring explicit type parameters, and should therefore be preferred whenever possible.




Wildcards also have the advantage that they can be used outside of method signatures, as the types of fields, local variables and arrays.




The second way is a bit more verbose, but it allows you to refer T inside it:


for (T shape : shapes) {

That's the only difference, as far as I understand.
