SQL Server 2005 - Select语句中的表函数

时间:2021-08-02 16:29:18

I have a table called PurchaseOrderDetail.


TABLE PurchaseOrderDetail
 PurchaseOrderDetail int,
 Comments nvarchar(500)

In the Comments field of each item I have a ‘;’ separated list that stores A Contract Name, Contract No, License Name, License Version.



PurchaseOrderDetail     Comments 
1                      'Microsoft Office Standard 2007;12%;;'
2                      'Microsoft Visio 2007;9%;;'

I also have a function called Split that takes a delimiter and a string and returns a table,


So calling this select * from Split(';', 'Microsoft Office Standard 2007;12%;;')

所以从Split中调用select *(';','Microsoft Office Standard 2007; 12%;;')

returns this

pn           s [ column names]
1            Microsoft Office Standard 2007
2            12%

I need to break this information out for each PurchaseOrderDetail and show them in a report


So something like this


select PurchaseOrderDetailID, cn.s as ContractName, cno.s as ContractNo
from dbo.PurchaseOrderDetail as pod
join dbo.Split(';', pod.Comments) as cn on cn.pn = 1
join dbo.Split(';', pod.Comments) as cno on cno.pn = 2

although that doesn’t run, but I hope it suggests intent.


I’d like my results to be:


PurchaseOrderDetailID   ContractName                    ContractNo
1                       Microsoft Office Standard 2007  12%

Is it possible, or am I tackling this the wrong way


2 个解决方案


You "join" to table-valued functions using the apply keyword. Simply pass your fields into the function rather than using an "ON" linking expression. An example from MSDN:


SELECT D.deptid, D.deptname, D.deptmgrid, ST.empid, ST.empname, ST.mgrid
FROM Departments AS D
    CROSS APPLY fn_getsubtree(D.deptmgrid) AS ST;

OUTER APPLY is the equivalent of LEFT JOIN.



In your example, you could add the "cn = 1" and "cn = 2" criteria as a WHERE clause after APPLYing the function.

在您的示例中,您可以在应用函数后将“cn = 1”和“cn = 2”条件添加为WHERE子句。


There is a reason why tables can have more than 1 column. It is a pain in the but to split values out of a common column all the time!


  • alter your table
  • 改变你的桌子

  • add dedicated columns for your data
  • 为您的数据添加专用列

  • UPDATE FROM and join in the CROSS APPLY to split each row and populate the new columns
  • 更新并加入CROSS APPLY以拆分每一行并填充新列

  • drop the old column that contains the multiple data elements
  • 删除包含多个数据元素的旧列

  • upgrade your save and load routines to use the new columns
  • 升级保存并加载例程以使用新列

  • never worry about splitting the data again!
  • 永远不要担心再次拆分数据!


You "join" to table-valued functions using the apply keyword. Simply pass your fields into the function rather than using an "ON" linking expression. An example from MSDN:


SELECT D.deptid, D.deptname, D.deptmgrid, ST.empid, ST.empname, ST.mgrid
FROM Departments AS D
    CROSS APPLY fn_getsubtree(D.deptmgrid) AS ST;

OUTER APPLY is the equivalent of LEFT JOIN.



In your example, you could add the "cn = 1" and "cn = 2" criteria as a WHERE clause after APPLYing the function.

在您的示例中,您可以在应用函数后将“cn = 1”和“cn = 2”条件添加为WHERE子句。


There is a reason why tables can have more than 1 column. It is a pain in the but to split values out of a common column all the time!


  • alter your table
  • 改变你的桌子

  • add dedicated columns for your data
  • 为您的数据添加专用列

  • UPDATE FROM and join in the CROSS APPLY to split each row and populate the new columns
  • 更新并加入CROSS APPLY以拆分每一行并填充新列

  • drop the old column that contains the multiple data elements
  • 删除包含多个数据元素的旧列

  • upgrade your save and load routines to use the new columns
  • 升级保存并加载例程以使用新列

  • never worry about splitting the data again!
  • 永远不要担心再次拆分数据!