[NIOS] 解決 no epcs layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216] error code: 8 問題

时间:2022-07-08 16:19:11

最近用Nios II的Eclipse 內的Flash programmer要燒錄資料 *.sof檔和 *.elf檔 到自己設計板子內的EPCS記憶體內,發生這個錯誤。


Using cable "USB-Blaster [USB-1]", device 1, instance 0x00
Resetting and pausing target processor: OK
Reading System ID at address 0x00000000:
ID value verified
Timestamp value was not verified: value was not specified
No EPCS layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216]
Unable to use EPCS device
Leaving target processor paused


上網查了一下資料是說需要加入一個 nios2-flash-override.txt 到"<nios2 install dir>/bin".安裝入徑下。




STEP 1: 用flash programmer去選擇*.bsp設定檔,將*.sof檔以及*.elf檔抓下來設定好後,按Start

[NIOS] 解決 no epcs layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216] error code: 8 問題



STEP 2: 選Options -> Staging Directories 出現新的視窗

            查一下 Script directory: 內的目錄位置 D:\prj\FPGA-test\Qsis\script

會有一個檔案 flash_programmer.sh 此為要燒入*.sof和*.elf檔到EPCS的批次檔。


[NIOS] 解決 no epcs layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216] error code: 8 問題[NIOS] 解決 no epcs layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216] error code: 8 問題




 Step 3: 用文字編輯器打開 flash_programmer.sh 編輯內容。

在nios2-flash-programmer 指令的最後面加上
--override = c:/nios2-flash-override.txt




 ============= flash_programmer.sh 內容===

 1 #!/bin/sh
 2 #
 3 # This file was automatically generated.
 4 #
 5 # It can be overwritten by nios2-flash-programmer-generate or nios2-flash-programmer-gui.
 6 #
 8 #
 9 # Converting SOF File: D:\KFPGA.sof to: "..\flash/KFPGA_epcs_controller.flash"
10 #
11 sof2flash --input="D:/KFPGA.sof" --output="../flash/KFPGA_epcs_controller.flash" --epcs
13 #
14 # Programming File: "..\flash/KFPGA_epcs_controller.flash" To Device: epcs_controller
15 #
16 nios2-flash-programmer "../flash/KFPGA_epcs_controller.flash" --base=0x1800 --epcs --sidp=0x0 --id=0x12345678 --accept-bad-sysid --device=1 --instance=0 '--cable=USB-Blaster on localhost [USB-1]' --program --erase-all --override=c:/nios2-flash-override.txt
18 #
19 # Converting ELF File: D:\KFPGA_20K_Q15_v1_2.elf to: "..\flash/KFPGA_20K_Q15_v1_2_epcs_controller.flash"
20 #
21 elf2flash --input="D:/KFPGA_1.2/Qsis/software/KFPGA_20K_Q15_v1_2/KFPGA_20K_Q15_v1_2.elf" --output="../flash/KFPGA_20K_Q15_v1_2_epcs_controller.flash" --epcs --after="../flash/KFPGA_epcs_controller.flash"
23 #
24 # Programming File: "..\flash/KFPGA_20K_Q15_v1_2_epcs_controller.flash" To Device: epcs_controller
25 #
26 nios2-flash-programmer "../flash/KFPGA_20K_Q15_v1_2_epcs_controller.flash" --base=0x1800 --epcs --sidp=0x0 --id=0x12345678 --accept-bad-sysid --device=1 --instance=0 '--cable=USB-Blaster on localhost [USB-1]' --program --override=c:/nios2-flash-override.txt


Step 4: 打開Nios II XXX Command Shell命令提示字元,然後切換到  flash_programmer.sh 的目錄下 用 .\flash_programmer.sh 執行 批次檔,就可以順利燒錄了。


[NIOS] 解決 no epcs layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216] error code: 8 問題


[NIOS] 解決 no epcs layout data - looking for section [EPCS-010216] error code: 8 問題




1. flash_programmer.zip




[1] Error: No EPCS layout data - looking for section [EPCS-202XXX]

[2] Nios II Flash Programmer User Guide
