
时间:2022-03-21 16:09:27

I'm trying to use ArrayList's built in Java method that converts an ArrayList to an array. However, the issue is that Java converts the array to an array of type objects. I am trying to convert this to an array of type T (generic type). I tried passing in the class type into the constructor of the class using it to cast the array, but I had no luck. My code is below. Any help would be appreciated:


public class QuickSelect> extends Sort implements Selection {


Class<T> t; // for class type 

QuickSelect(Class<T> t){
    this.t = t;

public T select(T[] data, int n, int k) {

    if(data.length == 0) return null;
    if(k == 1) return data[0];
    if(k >= n || k <=0 ) return null;

    Random randomGenerator = new Random();

    int pivotPosition = randomGenerator.nextInt(n-1);
    T pivotValue = data[pivotPosition];

    ArrayList<T> lessThanPivot = new ArrayList<T>();
    ArrayList<T> equalToPivot = new ArrayList<T>();
    ArrayList<T> greatThanPivot = new ArrayList<T>();

    for(int i=0; i < n; i++){
        if(compare(pivotValue, data[i]) < 0) lessThanPivot.add(data[i]);
        else if(compare(pivotValue, data[i]) == 0) equalToPivot.add(data[i]);
        else greatThanPivot.add(data[i]);

    Class<?> tClass = t.getClass();

    if(k <= lessThanPivot.size()) select(lessThanPivot.toArray(), lessThanPivot.size(), k); // this part of the code is where the issue is

    return null; //don't worry about this for now


2 个解决方案



There are two versions of toArray() methods in ArrayList - the one that gets no argumnets, and returns array of Object (that you use) and the other one, that gets as argument the type of array you want to it to return: public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)

ArrayList中有两个版本的toArray()方法——一个没有argumnets,返回你使用的对象数组;另一个,作为你想要返回的数组类型:public T[] toArray(T[] a)

so you need to use this one, like this: lessThanPivot.toArray(data)


see full javadoc here




If i got your question right i sugget you to use List.toArray(T[])


Example String[]array = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);


Generics are removed when code is compiled, thus the helper.array will just return an object[].


I hope this will help.




There are two versions of toArray() methods in ArrayList - the one that gets no argumnets, and returns array of Object (that you use) and the other one, that gets as argument the type of array you want to it to return: public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)

ArrayList中有两个版本的toArray()方法——一个没有argumnets,返回你使用的对象数组;另一个,作为你想要返回的数组类型:public T[] toArray(T[] a)

so you need to use this one, like this: lessThanPivot.toArray(data)


see full javadoc here




If i got your question right i sugget you to use List.toArray(T[])


Example String[]array = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);


Generics are removed when code is compiled, thus the helper.array will just return an object[].


I hope this will help.
