
时间:2022-09-05 16:08:00

I am extending a class defined in a library which I cannot change:


public class Parent
    public void init(Map properties) { ... }

If I am defining a class 'Child' that extends Parent and I am using Java 6 with generics, what is the best way to override the init method without getting unchecked warnings?

如果我正在定义一个扩展Parent的类'Child'而我正在使用带有泛型的Java 6,那么在不获取未经检查的警告的情况下覆盖init方法的最佳方法是什么?

public class Child extends Parent
    // warning: Map is a raw type. References to generic type Map<K,V> should be parameterized
    public void init(Map properties) { }

If I add generic parameters, I get:


   // error: The method init(Map<Object,Object>) of type Child has the same erasure as init(Map) of type Parent but does not override it
   public void init(Map<Object,Object>) { ... }
   // same error
   public void init(Map<? extends Object,? extends Object>) { ... }
   // same error
   public void init(Map<?,?>) { ... }

This error occurs regardless of whether I use a specific type, a bounded wildcard, or an unbounded wildcard. Is there a correct or idiomatic way to override a non-generic method without warnings, and without using @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")?


4 个解决方案



Yes, you have to declare the overriding method with the same signature as in the parent class, without adding any generics info.


I think your best bet is to add the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotation to the raw-type parameter, not the method, so you won't squelch other generics warnings you might have in your own code.




Short answer: no way to do that.


Unsatisfying answer: disable the (specific) warnings in your IDE/build.xml.

不满意的答案:禁用IDE / build.xml中的(特定)警告。

If you cannot change the library, alas, you have to stick with non-generic methods.


The problem is that, despite after type erasure both init() have the same signature, they may in fact be different methods -- or the same(*). Compiler cannot tell should it do override or overload, so it's prohibited.

问题在于,尽管在类型擦除之后,init()都具有相同的签名,但实际上它们可能是不同的方法 - 或者相同(*)。编译器无法判断它是否应该覆盖或超载,因此禁止它。

(*) Suppose the library developer meant init(Map<String,Integer>). Now you are implementing init(Map<String,String>). This is overloading, and two methods should exist in the vtable of Child class.

(*)假设库开发人员的意思是init(Map )。现在您正在实现init(Map )。这是重载,在Child类的vtable中应该存在两种方法。 ,string> ,integer>

But what if the library developer meant init(Map<String,String>)? Then it's overriding, and your method should replace original init in Child class, and there would be only one method in the vtable of Child.

但是如果库开发人员的意思是init(Map )呢?然后它覆盖了,你的方法应该替换Child类中的原始init,并且在Child的vtable中只有一个方法。 ,string>

P.S. I hate how Generics implemented in Java :-(




I think above answer meant to say @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") instead.




You have to declare the method with the same signature as the parent, and therefore you will get warnings when you compile. You can suppress them with @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")


The reason why there is no way to get rid of this is that the warnings are there to let you know that it's possible to create Collections with invalid types in them. The warnings should only go away when all code that might allow that has been removed. Since you are inheriting from a non-generic class it will always be possible to create a Collection with invalid contents.




Yes, you have to declare the overriding method with the same signature as in the parent class, without adding any generics info.


I think your best bet is to add the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotation to the raw-type parameter, not the method, so you won't squelch other generics warnings you might have in your own code.




Short answer: no way to do that.


Unsatisfying answer: disable the (specific) warnings in your IDE/build.xml.

不满意的答案:禁用IDE / build.xml中的(特定)警告。

If you cannot change the library, alas, you have to stick with non-generic methods.


The problem is that, despite after type erasure both init() have the same signature, they may in fact be different methods -- or the same(*). Compiler cannot tell should it do override or overload, so it's prohibited.

问题在于,尽管在类型擦除之后,init()都具有相同的签名,但实际上它们可能是不同的方法 - 或者相同(*)。编译器无法判断它是否应该覆盖或超载,因此禁止它。

(*) Suppose the library developer meant init(Map<String,Integer>). Now you are implementing init(Map<String,String>). This is overloading, and two methods should exist in the vtable of Child class.

(*)假设库开发人员的意思是init(Map )。现在您正在实现init(Map )。这是重载,在Child类的vtable中应该存在两种方法。 ,string> ,integer>

But what if the library developer meant init(Map<String,String>)? Then it's overriding, and your method should replace original init in Child class, and there would be only one method in the vtable of Child.

但是如果库开发人员的意思是init(Map )呢?然后它覆盖了,你的方法应该替换Child类中的原始init,并且在Child的vtable中只有一个方法。 ,string>

P.S. I hate how Generics implemented in Java :-(




I think above answer meant to say @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") instead.




You have to declare the method with the same signature as the parent, and therefore you will get warnings when you compile. You can suppress them with @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")


The reason why there is no way to get rid of this is that the warnings are there to let you know that it's possible to create Collections with invalid types in them. The warnings should only go away when all code that might allow that has been removed. Since you are inheriting from a non-generic class it will always be possible to create a Collection with invalid contents.
