WPF MediaElement设置位置时在最后一帧冻结

时间:2022-11-15 16:05:56

I have a MediaElement in WPF playing a WMV, that I'm rewinding 4 seconds (and I've also tried 4000 Milliseconds with same result). I want to simply loop the last 4 seconds of the video, so i'm ....


protected override void videoBase_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    //would reset to zero (replay)
    //base.MediaDisplayControl_MediaEnded(sender, e);

    Movie.Position = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(4000);

and it works fine 2-5 times (loops), and then dies on the last frame.


Any ideas?

I should add - that the final MediaElement_MediaEnded event does fire. With logging, i can see that the Position is reset, but the video simply freezes (actually locks up the PC) showing the last frame.

我应该补充一点 - 最终的MediaElement_MediaEnded事件会触发。通过记录,我可以看到位置被重置,但视频只是冻结(实际上锁定了PC)显示最后一帧。

That 2-5 times is important also, because it's repeatable, but not consistent ....


UPDATE - (I'm updating instead of commenting, because there are no responses yet)

更新 - (我正在更新而不是评论,因为还没有回复)

The above doesn't happen on an Intel machine, but it does fail on an AMD machine.


The randomness of this is definitely pointing to hardware.


Intel setup ... T2500 Core Duo Intel 945 Video Chipset

英特尔设置... T2500酷睿英特尔945视频芯片组

AMD Setup ... AMD Athelon 4450B NVidia Quadro 210S Video Chipset

AMD设置...... AMD Athelon 4450B NVidia Quadro 210S视频芯片组

Just to be clear, on the Intel setup. The video rewinds perfectly, forever. On the AMD setup, the video doesn't rewind.


Hopefully this little bit of knowledge helps jog a memory, and I can get to the bottom of my little mystery. THANK YOU!


1 个解决方案


The solution turned out to be a new driver from NVidia.



The solution turned out to be a new driver from NVidia.
