
时间:2022-06-19 15:59:07

I'm grabbing data from an API which is in a json object structure. The problem is that this json is not in order and I understand is unordered by nature. I was wondering how I could iterate over these keys and sort this data by putting them in an array (I already have them printing out in a table using ng-repeat but they are in random order so my end goal is to have them displayed in order by date). Here is an example of the structure:


    "01/05/2016": {
         "Something1": {},
         "Something2": {}      
    "01/01/2016": {
         "Something1": {},
         "Something2": {}      
    "01/03/2016": {
         "Something1": {},
         "Something2": {}      

 <tr ng-repeat="(key,value) in metrics_data">
          <td align="center">{{key}}</td>
          //and then I do another ng-repeat right here for values

1 个解决方案



You are right about the fact that orderBy doesn't support object. so just convert the object into array first.


$scope.testObj = {
"01/05/2016": {
     "Something1": {},
     "Something2": {}      
"01/01/2016": {
     "Something1": {},
     "Something2": {}      
"01/03/2016": {
     "Something1": {},
     "Something2": {}      

$scope.testObjArray = Object.keys($scope.testObj).map(
                     function(k) { 
                         return {key: k, value: $scope.testObj[k]} 

then use orderBy


ng-repeat="obj in testObjArray | orderBy : 'key'"

see http://plnkr.co/edit/AhRWwhp0a5gndC7RByqt?p=preview



You are right about the fact that orderBy doesn't support object. so just convert the object into array first.


$scope.testObj = {
"01/05/2016": {
     "Something1": {},
     "Something2": {}      
"01/01/2016": {
     "Something1": {},
     "Something2": {}      
"01/03/2016": {
     "Something1": {},
     "Something2": {}      

$scope.testObjArray = Object.keys($scope.testObj).map(
                     function(k) { 
                         return {key: k, value: $scope.testObj[k]} 

then use orderBy


ng-repeat="obj in testObjArray | orderBy : 'key'"

see http://plnkr.co/edit/AhRWwhp0a5gndC7RByqt?p=preview