
时间:2022-08-04 15:54:57

OK, another road bump in my current project.


I have never had form elements in both my master and content pages, I tend to have all the forms in the content where relevant.


In the current project however, we have a page where they want both. A login form at the top right, and a questions form in the content.


Having tried to get this in, I have run in to the issue of ASP.NET moaning about the need for a single form element in a master page. TBH, I really dont get why this is a requirement on ASP.NET's part, but hey ho.

在尝试了解之后,我遇到了ASP.NET抱怨在母版页中需要单个表单元素的问题。 TBH,我真的不明白为什么这是ASP.NET的要求,但是嘿嘿。

Does anyone know if/how I can get the master and content pages to contain form elements that work independantly?


If not, can you offer advice on how to proceed to get the desired look/functionality?


12 个解决方案



Thought I would review some of my outstanding questions and see if I can close some of them off.


This one was an interesting one. I outright refused to believe you can only have one form on an ASP.NET page. This to me made no sense. I have seen plenty of webpages that have more than one form on a web page, why should an ASP.NET page be any different?


So, it got me thinking.


Why does a ASP.NET page need a form element?

ASP.NET pages try to emulate the WinForms environment, by provided state persistance through the PostBack model. This provides an element of state to a stateless environment. In order to do this, the runtime needs to be able to have the ability to maintain this state within each "form". It does this by posting back data to itself. It's important to note that:


  • There is nothing really fancy about a PostBack.
  • 关于PostBack没有什么真正的花哨。
  • It uses a HTTP form and POST, the same as any other form, from any other stack.
  • 它使用HTTP表单和POST,与任何其他表单相同,来自任何其他堆栈。
  • Just because it looks like it might be doing something special, its not, all that happens is it POST's back with some info about what caused it, so you can do things like handle client-side events, in server-side code.
  • 只是因为看起来它可能正在做一些特别的事情,它不是,所有这一切都发生在POST的后面,有一些关于是什么导致它的信息,所以你可以做一些事情,比如在服务器端代码中处理客户端事件。

So why only one?

This to me was the million pound question (I am British). I understand that ASP.NET needs this, especially if you are using ASP.NET server controls, but why the hell can't I make my own additional forms?


So, I thought screw it, just make your own form!


And I did. I added a bog-standard, simple form with a submit action of "#". This then performs a POST to the current page, with the Form data for the given form in the request.


Guess what? It all worked fine. So I ended up with:


  • A master page, with a HTML form in
  • 一个母版页,其中包含一个HTML表单
  • This form posts back to the current page (basically the page using the master).
  • 此表单回发到当前页面(基本上是使用主页面的页面)。
  • In the Page_Load code-behind for the master, I then added code to check the request to see what data was passed in the request. If it contains data (say a hidden field) then I know the post was sourced from the Form on the master page, if not, then it is most liekly a PostBack from content, and can be ignored.
  • 在主页的Page_Load代码隐藏中,我添加了代码以检查请求以查看请求中传递了哪些数据。如果它包含数据(比如隐藏字段),那么我知道帖子来自母版页面上的表格,如果没有,那么它最可能是来自内容的PostBack,可以忽略。
  • I then surrounded the Content tags with <form runat="server" id="aspNetForm"...> </form> tags. This meant that all content pages automatically had a form to work with.
  • 然后我用

This provided me with a relatively simple, clean solution to my problem. My login form works fine in tandem with all the content forms created, some of which are complex forms, others use lots of server controls and many PostBacks, and so on.


I hope this helps others.




the form tag itself is in the MasterPage, as such, you can code any server controls onto the master page that you wish. And you can write up the processing logic for those server controls on the master page's code behind file.


So, in your example, you can have the login controls on the upper right of the master page, and then have the authentication logic in the code page for the MASTER PAGE, not your content page.

因此,在您的示例中,您可以在主页面的右上角安装登录控件,然后在MASTER PAGE的代码页中使用身份验证逻辑,而不是内容页面。

This allows you to have the login controls on every page, and maintain that processing, as well as maintain the content controls and their processing on their individual pages.




Everyone else has already mentioned that you can only have a single form element in a given ASP.NET page, and that it would be contained in the master page. So far, so good. But I don't think that helps you get fully where you want to be ...


In your master pages, you've (I assume!) defined asp:ContentPlaceHolder controls. Your pages which use the master then have corresponding asp:Content tags. All your page content must go in these corresponding asp:Content tags.


Once in that tag, they are part of the master page's form. The master page can respond to events from its own controls, and the pages themselves respond to events from their own controls, and you're set.


If you need the page to interact with the master page, you can access it via the Page.Master property. To interact with any publicly-visible code (methods, properties, etc.) from the master page, you'd cast this property to the correct type, and access the publicly-visible code from there.


That should get you where you need to be in this scenario. (It's worked for me on multiple sites!)

这应该可以让您在这种情况下需要。 (它在多个站点上对我有用!)





Interesting solution. I don't see any problem with what you are doing. The problem some may encounter however, is if they try to do this with 2 server forms. There's no rule in ASP.NET that you can't have more than 1 HTML form on a page, just that you can't have more than one "runat='server'" form on the page. Obviously you've found a pretty easy way of meeting your needs.

有趣的解决方案。我认为你在做什么没有任何问题。然而,有些人可能遇到的问题是,如果他们尝试使用2个服务器表单执行此操作。在ASP.NET中没有规则,您在页面上不能有超过1个HTML表单,只是您不能在页面上有多个“runat ='server'”表单。显然,您已经找到了一种满足您需求的简单方法。

I've found that for the most part dealing with a single form is not a problem because the ASP.NET framework basically separates everything for us with naming containers. But in your initial post comment you hit on the important factor that was absent yet critical to the essence of the original question: enter key behavior. That always throws a monkey wrench into the works.


If you were to use a standard "all encompassing" server form, couldn't you capture the right action using a textbox text changed event? Of course, if the user changed both values before hitting enter on either you would get strange behavior. And I think the core problem with the enter key is that once you have more than one submit input on an HTML form, hitting ENTER in a textbox doesn't do anything. Only when there is a single INPUT element does the enter key cause one to be "clicked".




None of the previous answers gave a code example. Here's a simplified version of the Visual Studio 2012 Site.Master that illustrates how to do this:

之前的答案都没有给出代码示例。这是Visual Studio 2012 Site.Master的简化版本,它说明了如何执行此操作:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Site - Copy.Master.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.Site1Master" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>This is a title</title>
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="HeadContent" />
    <form runat="server">
        <div class="content-wrapper">
            <div class="float-right">
                <section id="login">
                    <asp:LoginView runat="server" ViewStateMode="Disabled">
                             <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="AnonContent" />
                            <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="LoggedInContent" />
        <div id="body">
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="FeaturedContent" />
        <section class="content-wrapper main-content clear-fix">
            <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="MainContent" />

So you have everything wrapped by a single Form element, so you can place controls in the master page, yet your content pages can also use controls.




You can only have one form on an ASP.NET page. One way to handle this is to put an event handler on the login button in the master page. The handler will validate the user and redirect to the same page on success (to correctly run the Page_Load handler, which is run before event handlers).




I solved the "clicking the return key in the login sub-form causes the main form to submit" problem in my current project by embedding an iframe into the master page. The iframe pointed to the login.aspx page which authenticated the user.

我通过在主页中嵌入iframe解决了“在登录子表单中单击返回键导致主表单提交”当前项目中的问题。 iframe指向login.aspx页面,该页面对用户进行了身份验证。

<iframe id="login" src="login.aspx" frameborder="0" enableviewstate="false" scrolling="no" runat="server"></iframe>

(form some reason I needed the closing /iframe tag otherwise design view got confused)

(形成某些原因我需要关闭/ iframe标签,否则设计视图会混淆)



You can access MasterPage controls from the aspx form by: add the detractive tag to the aspx form <%@ MasterType VirtualPath="~/Site.Master %> and in the code behind use Master.FindControl(); to get the control by ID

您可以通过以下方式从aspx表单访问MasterPage控件:将detractive标签添加到aspx表单<%@ MasterType VirtualPath =“〜/ Site.Master%>并在后面的代码中使用Master.FindControl();来获取控件ID

for Example if you want to get the Control form = Master.FindControl("form")

例如,如果你想获得Control form = Master.FindControl(“form”)

now you can use the master page's form in your code.


I hope this help.




Salve! In a similar thread, I posted an answer that might help you. You can use jquery to add content to an empty div. That content can include form tags, and even a submit function independant of anything the server-side code is doing. The only downside to this is if the user does not have javascript enabled!


Instead of reposting the same answer (and the code too), here is the link:


Jquery Ajax loading form on webform

在 webform上加载表单的Jquery Ajax



This is a limitation of ASP.NET


ASP.NET is designed to have one form per page and only one form. When it was originally designed that was not a problem.


However since then this has been identified as a huge problem with accessibility.


Microsoft Fix for this was ASP.NET MVC, if you are able to I would suggest considering moving to ASP.NET MVC as it solves a large number of problems with ASP.NET

Microsoft Fix for this是ASP.NET MVC,如果你能够我建议考虑转移到ASP.NET MVC,因为它解决了ASP.NET的大量问题



You can have more than 1 form. (just only 1 visiable at a time) codeline 1 = form 1 visable / form 2 hidden . Code 2 Form 2 visable / form 1 hidden. = solved (this is great for static contact forms as well

您可以拥有多个表单。 (一次只能看到1个)代码行1 =形式1可见/形式2隐藏。代码2表格2可见/表格1隐藏。 =已解决(这对于静态联系表单也很有用



no, you can only have one form per page. That has been the rule since 1.0


They should both share the same form




Thought I would review some of my outstanding questions and see if I can close some of them off.


This one was an interesting one. I outright refused to believe you can only have one form on an ASP.NET page. This to me made no sense. I have seen plenty of webpages that have more than one form on a web page, why should an ASP.NET page be any different?


So, it got me thinking.


Why does a ASP.NET page need a form element?

ASP.NET pages try to emulate the WinForms environment, by provided state persistance through the PostBack model. This provides an element of state to a stateless environment. In order to do this, the runtime needs to be able to have the ability to maintain this state within each "form". It does this by posting back data to itself. It's important to note that:


  • There is nothing really fancy about a PostBack.
  • 关于PostBack没有什么真正的花哨。
  • It uses a HTTP form and POST, the same as any other form, from any other stack.
  • 它使用HTTP表单和POST,与任何其他表单相同,来自任何其他堆栈。
  • Just because it looks like it might be doing something special, its not, all that happens is it POST's back with some info about what caused it, so you can do things like handle client-side events, in server-side code.
  • 只是因为看起来它可能正在做一些特别的事情,它不是,所有这一切都发生在POST的后面,有一些关于是什么导致它的信息,所以你可以做一些事情,比如在服务器端代码中处理客户端事件。

So why only one?

This to me was the million pound question (I am British). I understand that ASP.NET needs this, especially if you are using ASP.NET server controls, but why the hell can't I make my own additional forms?


So, I thought screw it, just make your own form!


And I did. I added a bog-standard, simple form with a submit action of "#". This then performs a POST to the current page, with the Form data for the given form in the request.


Guess what? It all worked fine. So I ended up with:


  • A master page, with a HTML form in
  • 一个母版页,其中包含一个HTML表单
  • This form posts back to the current page (basically the page using the master).
  • 此表单回发到当前页面(基本上是使用主页面的页面)。
  • In the Page_Load code-behind for the master, I then added code to check the request to see what data was passed in the request. If it contains data (say a hidden field) then I know the post was sourced from the Form on the master page, if not, then it is most liekly a PostBack from content, and can be ignored.
  • 在主页的Page_Load代码隐藏中,我添加了代码以检查请求以查看请求中传递了哪些数据。如果它包含数据(比如隐藏字段),那么我知道帖子来自母版页面上的表格,如果没有,那么它最可能是来自内容的PostBack,可以忽略。
  • I then surrounded the Content tags with <form runat="server" id="aspNetForm"...> </form> tags. This meant that all content pages automatically had a form to work with.
  • 然后我用

This provided me with a relatively simple, clean solution to my problem. My login form works fine in tandem with all the content forms created, some of which are complex forms, others use lots of server controls and many PostBacks, and so on.


I hope this helps others.




the form tag itself is in the MasterPage, as such, you can code any server controls onto the master page that you wish. And you can write up the processing logic for those server controls on the master page's code behind file.


So, in your example, you can have the login controls on the upper right of the master page, and then have the authentication logic in the code page for the MASTER PAGE, not your content page.

因此,在您的示例中,您可以在主页面的右上角安装登录控件,然后在MASTER PAGE的代码页中使用身份验证逻辑,而不是内容页面。

This allows you to have the login controls on every page, and maintain that processing, as well as maintain the content controls and their processing on their individual pages.




Everyone else has already mentioned that you can only have a single form element in a given ASP.NET page, and that it would be contained in the master page. So far, so good. But I don't think that helps you get fully where you want to be ...


In your master pages, you've (I assume!) defined asp:ContentPlaceHolder controls. Your pages which use the master then have corresponding asp:Content tags. All your page content must go in these corresponding asp:Content tags.


Once in that tag, they are part of the master page's form. The master page can respond to events from its own controls, and the pages themselves respond to events from their own controls, and you're set.


If you need the page to interact with the master page, you can access it via the Page.Master property. To interact with any publicly-visible code (methods, properties, etc.) from the master page, you'd cast this property to the correct type, and access the publicly-visible code from there.


That should get you where you need to be in this scenario. (It's worked for me on multiple sites!)

这应该可以让您在这种情况下需要。 (它在多个站点上对我有用!)





Interesting solution. I don't see any problem with what you are doing. The problem some may encounter however, is if they try to do this with 2 server forms. There's no rule in ASP.NET that you can't have more than 1 HTML form on a page, just that you can't have more than one "runat='server'" form on the page. Obviously you've found a pretty easy way of meeting your needs.

有趣的解决方案。我认为你在做什么没有任何问题。然而,有些人可能遇到的问题是,如果他们尝试使用2个服务器表单执行此操作。在ASP.NET中没有规则,您在页面上不能有超过1个HTML表单,只是您不能在页面上有多个“runat ='server'”表单。显然,您已经找到了一种满足您需求的简单方法。

I've found that for the most part dealing with a single form is not a problem because the ASP.NET framework basically separates everything for us with naming containers. But in your initial post comment you hit on the important factor that was absent yet critical to the essence of the original question: enter key behavior. That always throws a monkey wrench into the works.


If you were to use a standard "all encompassing" server form, couldn't you capture the right action using a textbox text changed event? Of course, if the user changed both values before hitting enter on either you would get strange behavior. And I think the core problem with the enter key is that once you have more than one submit input on an HTML form, hitting ENTER in a textbox doesn't do anything. Only when there is a single INPUT element does the enter key cause one to be "clicked".




None of the previous answers gave a code example. Here's a simplified version of the Visual Studio 2012 Site.Master that illustrates how to do this:

之前的答案都没有给出代码示例。这是Visual Studio 2012 Site.Master的简化版本,它说明了如何执行此操作:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Site - Copy.Master.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.Site1Master" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>This is a title</title>
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="HeadContent" />
    <form runat="server">
        <div class="content-wrapper">
            <div class="float-right">
                <section id="login">
                    <asp:LoginView runat="server" ViewStateMode="Disabled">
                             <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="AnonContent" />
                            <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="LoggedInContent" />
        <div id="body">
        <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="FeaturedContent" />
        <section class="content-wrapper main-content clear-fix">
            <asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" ID="MainContent" />

So you have everything wrapped by a single Form element, so you can place controls in the master page, yet your content pages can also use controls.




You can only have one form on an ASP.NET page. One way to handle this is to put an event handler on the login button in the master page. The handler will validate the user and redirect to the same page on success (to correctly run the Page_Load handler, which is run before event handlers).




I solved the "clicking the return key in the login sub-form causes the main form to submit" problem in my current project by embedding an iframe into the master page. The iframe pointed to the login.aspx page which authenticated the user.

我通过在主页中嵌入iframe解决了“在登录子表单中单击返回键导致主表单提交”当前项目中的问题。 iframe指向login.aspx页面,该页面对用户进行了身份验证。

<iframe id="login" src="login.aspx" frameborder="0" enableviewstate="false" scrolling="no" runat="server"></iframe>

(form some reason I needed the closing /iframe tag otherwise design view got confused)

(形成某些原因我需要关闭/ iframe标签,否则设计视图会混淆)



You can access MasterPage controls from the aspx form by: add the detractive tag to the aspx form <%@ MasterType VirtualPath="~/Site.Master %> and in the code behind use Master.FindControl(); to get the control by ID

您可以通过以下方式从aspx表单访问MasterPage控件:将detractive标签添加到aspx表单<%@ MasterType VirtualPath =“〜/ Site.Master%>并在后面的代码中使用Master.FindControl();来获取控件ID

for Example if you want to get the Control form = Master.FindControl("form")

例如,如果你想获得Control form = Master.FindControl(“form”)

now you can use the master page's form in your code.


I hope this help.




Salve! In a similar thread, I posted an answer that might help you. You can use jquery to add content to an empty div. That content can include form tags, and even a submit function independant of anything the server-side code is doing. The only downside to this is if the user does not have javascript enabled!


Instead of reposting the same answer (and the code too), here is the link:


Jquery Ajax loading form on webform

在 webform上加载表单的Jquery Ajax



This is a limitation of ASP.NET


ASP.NET is designed to have one form per page and only one form. When it was originally designed that was not a problem.


However since then this has been identified as a huge problem with accessibility.


Microsoft Fix for this was ASP.NET MVC, if you are able to I would suggest considering moving to ASP.NET MVC as it solves a large number of problems with ASP.NET

Microsoft Fix for this是ASP.NET MVC,如果你能够我建议考虑转移到ASP.NET MVC,因为它解决了ASP.NET的大量问题



You can have more than 1 form. (just only 1 visiable at a time) codeline 1 = form 1 visable / form 2 hidden . Code 2 Form 2 visable / form 1 hidden. = solved (this is great for static contact forms as well

您可以拥有多个表单。 (一次只能看到1个)代码行1 =形式1可见/形式2隐藏。代码2表格2可见/表格1隐藏。 =已解决(这对于静态联系表单也很有用



no, you can only have one form per page. That has been the rule since 1.0


They should both share the same form

