
时间:2021-01-24 15:39:14

I have been struggling with a question that seem simple, yet eludes me. I am dealing with the public BigQuery table on bitcoin and I would like to extract the first transaction of each block that was mined. In other word, to replace a nested field by its first row, as it appears in the table preview. There is no field that can identify it, only the order in which it was stored in the table.


I ran the following query:


SELECT timestamp,
    FIRST_VALUE(transactions) OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 1))
FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.blocks`

But it process 492 GB when run and throws the following error:

但它在运行时处理492 GB并抛出以下错误:

Error: Resources exceeded during query execution: The query could not be executed in the allotted memory. Sort operator used for OVER(ORDER BY) used too much memory..

It seems so simple, I must be missing something. Do you have an idea about how to handle such task?


2 个解决方案



SELECT * EXCEPT(transactions),
  (SELECT transaction FROM UNNEST(transactions) transaction LIMIT 1) transaction
FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.blocks`    

Recommendation: while playing with large table like this one - I would recommend creating smaller version of it - so it incur less cost for your dev/test. Below can help with this - you can run it in BigQuery UI with destination table which you will then be using for your dev. Make sure you set Allow Large Results and unset Flatten Results so you preserve original schema

建议:在玩这样的大表时 - 我建议创建它的较小版本 - 这样你的开发/测试的成本就会降低。下面可以帮助解决这个问题 - 您可以在带有目标表的BigQuery UI中运行它,然后您将用于您的开发人员。确保设置允许大结果并取消设置展平结果,以便保留原始模式

FROM [bigquery-public-data:bitcoin_blockchain.blocks@1529518619028]     

The value of 1529518619028 is taken from below query (at a time of running) - the reason I took four days ago is that I know number of rows in this table that time was just 912 vs current 528,858

1529518619028的值来自下面的查询(在运行时) - 我四天前的原因是我知道此表中的行数时间仅为912而不是当前的528,858




An alternative approach to Mikhail's: Just ask for the first row of an array with [OFFSET(0)]:


SELECT timestamp,
    transactions[OFFSET(0)] first_transaction
FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.blocks`

That first row from the array still has some nested data, that you might want to flatten to only their first row too:


SELECT timestamp
    , block_id
    , transactions[OFFSET(0)].transaction_id first_transaction_id
    , transactions[OFFSET(0)].inputs[OFFSET(0)] first_transaction_first_input
    , transactions[OFFSET(0)].outputs[OFFSET(0)] first_transaction_first_output
FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.blocks`
LIMIT 1000



SELECT * EXCEPT(transactions),
  (SELECT transaction FROM UNNEST(transactions) transaction LIMIT 1) transaction
FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.blocks`    

Recommendation: while playing with large table like this one - I would recommend creating smaller version of it - so it incur less cost for your dev/test. Below can help with this - you can run it in BigQuery UI with destination table which you will then be using for your dev. Make sure you set Allow Large Results and unset Flatten Results so you preserve original schema

建议:在玩这样的大表时 - 我建议创建它的较小版本 - 这样你的开发/测试的成本就会降低。下面可以帮助解决这个问题 - 您可以在带有目标表的BigQuery UI中运行它,然后您将用于您的开发人员。确保设置允许大结果并取消设置展平结果,以便保留原始模式

FROM [bigquery-public-data:bitcoin_blockchain.blocks@1529518619028]     

The value of 1529518619028 is taken from below query (at a time of running) - the reason I took four days ago is that I know number of rows in this table that time was just 912 vs current 528,858

1529518619028的值来自下面的查询(在运行时) - 我四天前的原因是我知道此表中的行数时间仅为912而不是当前的528,858




An alternative approach to Mikhail's: Just ask for the first row of an array with [OFFSET(0)]:


SELECT timestamp,
    transactions[OFFSET(0)] first_transaction
FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.blocks`

That first row from the array still has some nested data, that you might want to flatten to only their first row too:


SELECT timestamp
    , block_id
    , transactions[OFFSET(0)].transaction_id first_transaction_id
    , transactions[OFFSET(0)].inputs[OFFSET(0)] first_transaction_first_input
    , transactions[OFFSET(0)].outputs[OFFSET(0)] first_transaction_first_output
FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.blocks`
LIMIT 1000