在上传至Appengine Blobstore时处理表单失败

时间:2021-09-14 15:35:43

I'm using @wkornewald 's django-nonrel and django-filetransfer on Google App Engine.


I'm able to upload files just fine, but only when the entire form is valid. If the form fails validation for any field, it completely blows up instead of returning to the user to fix the changes.


error message is:


INFO     2011-03-10 20:27:09,496 dev_appserver.py:535] Internal redirection to /admin/rr/member/add/
INFO     2011-03-10 20:27:09,662 dev_appserver_blobstore.py:328] Upload handler returned 200
ERROR    2011-03-10 20:27:09,662 dev_appserver_blobstore.py:341] Invalid upload handler response. Only 301, 302 and 303 statuses are permitted and it may not have a content body.
INFO     2011-03-10 20:27:09,680 dev_appserver.py:3317] "POST /_ah/upload/ag5kbXJvbGxpbnJlbGljc3IcCxIVX19CbG9iVXBsb2FkU2Vzc2lvbl9fGIkBDA HTTP/1.1" 500 -

I have a simple model that looks like this:


class Member(PhotoMixin, models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    name2 = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True)

    member_since = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
    full_size_image = models.FileField(verbose_name="Photo", upload_to='members/')
    is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)

Is there a way I can more gracefully handle this? I feel its probably because django-filetransfers wants you to post the form to the blob upload url, and that url doesnt know what to do with a failure. Should there be an intermediate step that handles most of the form and posts to the upload url if and only if the rest is valid?

有什么方法可以让我更优雅地处理这个问题吗?我觉得这可能是因为django-filetransfer希望您将表单发布到blob上传url,而这个url不知道如何处理失败。如果且仅当其余部分有效时,是否应该有一个中间步骤来处理大多数表单和post到上载url ?

1 个解决方案



The blobstore api requires the upload handler view to return a redirect.

blobstore api要求上传处理程序视图返回重定向。

as the error log posted above states:


Only 301, 302 and 303 statuses are permitted and it may not have a content body.

To work around this, I modified the add_view and change_view methods of the ModelAdmin to return a redirect on a form validation failure, but tacked on the query string so the input values are not lost.


Next, when initializing the form on the GET request, I check for 'failed_validation' in the query parameters to indicate to send the form data to the forms/formsets so validation will trigger.


The code is on bitbucket: https://aaronmadison@bitbucket.org/aaronmadison/django-filetransfers.

代码在bitbucket上:https://aaronmadison@bitbucket.org/aaronmadison/django- file转账。

Now you can upload to the blobstore and handle errors... yay.




The blobstore api requires the upload handler view to return a redirect.

blobstore api要求上传处理程序视图返回重定向。

as the error log posted above states:


Only 301, 302 and 303 statuses are permitted and it may not have a content body.

To work around this, I modified the add_view and change_view methods of the ModelAdmin to return a redirect on a form validation failure, but tacked on the query string so the input values are not lost.


Next, when initializing the form on the GET request, I check for 'failed_validation' in the query parameters to indicate to send the form data to the forms/formsets so validation will trigger.


The code is on bitbucket: https://aaronmadison@bitbucket.org/aaronmadison/django-filetransfers.

代码在bitbucket上:https://aaronmadison@bitbucket.org/aaronmadison/django- file转账。

Now you can upload to the blobstore and handle errors... yay.
