通过R Studio服务器使用BigQuery对谷歌计算引擎上的服务帐户进行身份验证

时间:2022-01-04 15:35:20

I'm looking to call BigQuery from R Studio, installed on a Google Compute Engine.

我希望从R Studio调用BigQuery,它安装在谷歌计算引擎上。

I have the bq python tool installed on the instance, and I was hoping to use its service accounts and system() to get R to call bq command line tool and so get the data.

我在实例上安装了bq python工具,我希望使用它的服务帐户和system()来让R调用bq命令行工具,从而获得数据。

However, I run into authentication problems, where it asks for a browser key. I'm pretty sure there is no need to get the key due to the service account, but I don't know how to construct the authetication from with R (it runs on RStudio, so will have multiple users)


I can get an authetication token like this:


metadata <-  getURL('http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1beta1/instance/service-accounts/default/token')
tokendata <- fromJSON(metadata)


But how do I then use this to generate a .bigqueryrc token? Its the lack of this that triggers the authetication attempt.


This works ok:



showing me bq is installed ok.


But when I try something like:


   system('/usr/local/bin/bq ls')

I get this:


Welcome to BigQuery! This script will walk you through the process of initializing your .bigqueryrc configuration file.

First, we need to set up your credentials if they do not already exist.

** No OAuth2 credentials found, beginning authorization process **

Go to the following link in your browser:


Enter verification code: You have encountered a bug in the BigQuery CLI. Google engineers monitor and answer questions on Stack Overflow, with the tag google-bigquery:     http://*.com/questions/ask?tags=google-bigquery




I have managed to get bq functioning from RStudio system() commands, by skipping the authetication by logging in to the terminal as the user using RStudio, autheticating there by signing in via the browser, then logging back to RStudio and calling system("bq ls") etc..so this is enough to get me going :)

我成功地从RStudio system()命令中获得了bq功能,通过登录到终端作为用户使用RStudio,通过浏览器登录,然后登录到RStudio和调用系统(“bq ls”),从而跳过了自动操作。这就足够让我开始了

However, I would still prefer it if BQ can be autheticated within RStudio itself, as many users may log in and I'll need to autheticate via terminal for all of them. And from the service account documentation, and the fact I can get an authetication token, hints at this being easier.


1 个解决方案



For the time being, you need to run 'bq init' from the command line to set up your credentials prior to invoking bq from a script in GCE. However, the next release of bq will include support for GCE service accounts via a new --use_gce_service_account flag.

目前,您需要从命令行运行“bq init”,以便在从GCE中的脚本调用bq之前设置凭据。然而,下一个bq版本将通过一个新的——use_gce_service_account标志来支持GCE服务帐户。



For the time being, you need to run 'bq init' from the command line to set up your credentials prior to invoking bq from a script in GCE. However, the next release of bq will include support for GCE service accounts via a new --use_gce_service_account flag.

目前,您需要从命令行运行“bq init”,以便在从GCE中的脚本调用bq之前设置凭据。然而,下一个bq版本将通过一个新的——use_gce_service_account标志来支持GCE服务帐户。