如何从python api更新/删除Bigquery中的行?

时间:2022-08-24 15:24:30

I'm designing a BigQuery job in python that updates and inserts into several tables. I thought of two ways to achieve that:


  1. execute a query job and save the result into a temporary table with an update/insert indicator and process them after. But it's no clear how to update with python libraries.


  2. load the whole data into a new partitioned table and skip updates/inserts. It takes a more space then I would like but partition expires in few days anyway.


Am I missing something? Is there other way to achieve this?


1 个解决方案



The method to update fields in python is implemented in idiomatic library, it's called update_table(). It calls into BigQuery API's patch method.

在python中更新字段的方法是在惯用库中实现的,它叫做update_table()。它调用了BigQuery API的补丁方法。



The method to update fields in python is implemented in idiomatic library, it's called update_table(). It calls into BigQuery API's patch method.

在python中更新字段的方法是在惯用库中实现的,它叫做update_table()。它调用了BigQuery API的补丁方法。