
时间:2021-08-14 15:24:09

The following code returns data from a spreadsheet into a grid perfectly


        string excelConnectString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
            "Data Source = " + excelFileName + ";" +
            "Extended Properties = Excel 8.0;";

        OleDbConnection objConn = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectString);
        OleDbCommand objCmd = new OleDbCommand("Select * From [Accounts$]", objConn);

        OleDbDataAdapter objDatAdap = new OleDbDataAdapter();
        objDatAdap.SelectCommand = objCmd;
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        fpDataSet_Sheet1.DataSource = ds;//fill a grid with data

The spreadsheet I'm using has columns named from A and so on( just standard column names ) and the sheet name is Accounts.


I have a problem with the query ...


  [OleDbCommand objCmd = new OleDbCommand("Select * From [Accounts$]", objConn);]

How can I make the query string like this...


"Select <columnA>,<columnB>,SUM<columnG> from [Accounts$] group by <columnA>,<columnB>"

..so that it returns the results of this query


Note : columnA is A on Sheet , columnB is B on Sheet and columnG is G on Sheet


Other possible Alternatives:


  1. I have the data of that excel spread into a DataTable object, how can I query the DataTAble object
  2. 我将excel的数据传播到DataTable对象中,如何查询DataTAble对象
  3. I read about a DataView object that it can take a table and return the table manipulated according to (<dataviewObject>.RowFilter = "where...") , but I don't know how to use the query I want.
  4. 我读了一个DataView对象,它可以获取一个表并返回根据( .RowFilter =“where ...”)操作的表,但我不知道如何使用我想要的查询。

3 个解决方案



Do you want something like:


 SELECT Sum([NameOfFieldAsPerHeader]) FROM [Accounts$]



 SELECT [ForExampleEmployeeID], Sum([NameOfFieldAsPerHeader]) FROM [Accounts$]
 GROUP BY [ForExampleEmployeeID]



 SELECT [ForExampleEmployeeID], Year([SomeDate]), Sum([NameOfFieldAsPerHeader]) 
 FROM [Accounts$]
 GROUP BY [ForExampleEmployeeID], Year([SomeDate])



 SELECT [ForExampleEmployeeID], Year([SomeDate]), Sum([NameOfFieldAsPerHeader]) 
 FROM [Accounts$]
 WHERE Year([SomeDate])>2000
 GROUP BY [ForExampleEmployeeID], Year([SomeDate])



If you don't want to do Group by then DataTable class has a method called Compute that executes few SQL functions.
The following functions are supported : COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, STDEV, VAR.

如果你不想做Group by,那么DataTable类有一个名为Compute的方法,它执行很少的SQL函数。支持以下功能:COUNT,SUM,MIN,MAX,AVG,STDEV,VAR。

string salary = empTable.Compute("SUM( Salary )", "").ToString();
string averageSalaryJan = empTable.Compute("AVG( Salary )", "Month = 1").ToString();
// Assuming you have month stored in Month column and Salary stored in Salary column

Other alternatives you can explore are:


  1. You may use the Microsoft KB article HOW TO: Implement a DataSet GROUP BY Helper Class in Visual C# .NET

    您可以使用Microsoft知识库文章如何:在Visual C#.NET中实现DataSet GROUP BY Helper类

  2. If you are using .NET 3.5 you may use Linq ref : LINQ DataTable Query - Group Aggregation

    如果您使用的是.NET 3.5,则可以使用Linq ref:LINQ DataTable Query - Group Aggregation



In your example, does SUM represent a potential column name or a SQL funciton?


Are you trying to get your query so that you're able to reference Column A, B, C, D, etc... from the Excel sheet as ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC, ColumnD, etc... in your SQL query?


I suppose I mean: do you want to write your query as this: "Select ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC from [Accounts$]", rather than this: "Select * from [Accounts$]" ?

我想我的意思是:你想写下你的查询:“从[Accounts $]中选择ColumnA,ColumnB,ColumnC”,而不是:“从[Accounts $]中选择*”?

If so, you can put column headers in the first row of your Excel sheet and treat those as the column names in the connection string. To do this, make your connection string line look like this:


excelConnectString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source = " + excelFileName + ";" + "Extended Properties = Excel 8.0; HDR=Yes;";

The different is the "HDR=Yes" portion in the Extended Properties section. Once you're able to reference the columns in your Excel sheet by using column names, you should be able to use DataTable's Select method and DataView's RowFilter property as you mentioned.

不同的是扩展属性部分中的“HDR =是”部分。一旦您能够使用列名称引用Excel工作表中的列,您就应该能够使用DataTable的Select方法和DataView的RowFilter属性。

Does this help or even address your question?




Do you want something like:


 SELECT Sum([NameOfFieldAsPerHeader]) FROM [Accounts$]



 SELECT [ForExampleEmployeeID], Sum([NameOfFieldAsPerHeader]) FROM [Accounts$]
 GROUP BY [ForExampleEmployeeID]



 SELECT [ForExampleEmployeeID], Year([SomeDate]), Sum([NameOfFieldAsPerHeader]) 
 FROM [Accounts$]
 GROUP BY [ForExampleEmployeeID], Year([SomeDate])



 SELECT [ForExampleEmployeeID], Year([SomeDate]), Sum([NameOfFieldAsPerHeader]) 
 FROM [Accounts$]
 WHERE Year([SomeDate])>2000
 GROUP BY [ForExampleEmployeeID], Year([SomeDate])



If you don't want to do Group by then DataTable class has a method called Compute that executes few SQL functions.
The following functions are supported : COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, STDEV, VAR.

如果你不想做Group by,那么DataTable类有一个名为Compute的方法,它执行很少的SQL函数。支持以下功能:COUNT,SUM,MIN,MAX,AVG,STDEV,VAR。

string salary = empTable.Compute("SUM( Salary )", "").ToString();
string averageSalaryJan = empTable.Compute("AVG( Salary )", "Month = 1").ToString();
// Assuming you have month stored in Month column and Salary stored in Salary column

Other alternatives you can explore are:


  1. You may use the Microsoft KB article HOW TO: Implement a DataSet GROUP BY Helper Class in Visual C# .NET

    您可以使用Microsoft知识库文章如何:在Visual C#.NET中实现DataSet GROUP BY Helper类

  2. If you are using .NET 3.5 you may use Linq ref : LINQ DataTable Query - Group Aggregation

    如果您使用的是.NET 3.5,则可以使用Linq ref:LINQ DataTable Query - Group Aggregation



In your example, does SUM represent a potential column name or a SQL funciton?


Are you trying to get your query so that you're able to reference Column A, B, C, D, etc... from the Excel sheet as ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC, ColumnD, etc... in your SQL query?


I suppose I mean: do you want to write your query as this: "Select ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC from [Accounts$]", rather than this: "Select * from [Accounts$]" ?

我想我的意思是:你想写下你的查询:“从[Accounts $]中选择ColumnA,ColumnB,ColumnC”,而不是:“从[Accounts $]中选择*”?

If so, you can put column headers in the first row of your Excel sheet and treat those as the column names in the connection string. To do this, make your connection string line look like this:


excelConnectString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source = " + excelFileName + ";" + "Extended Properties = Excel 8.0; HDR=Yes;";

The different is the "HDR=Yes" portion in the Extended Properties section. Once you're able to reference the columns in your Excel sheet by using column names, you should be able to use DataTable's Select method and DataView's RowFilter property as you mentioned.

不同的是扩展属性部分中的“HDR =是”部分。一旦您能够使用列名称引用Excel工作表中的列,您就应该能够使用DataTable的Select方法和DataView的RowFilter属性。

Does this help or even address your question?
