
时间:2022-12-04 15:19:54

I am using Microsoft Graph to manipulate permissions of files that are stored in a SharePoint document library. When I use Invite to grant permission to an email address outside of the SharePoint site organization, I get a successful response that includes a permission ID.

我正在使用Microsoft Graph操作存储在SharePoint文档库中的文件的权限。当我使用邀请在SharePoint站点组织之外的电子邮件地址许可时,我获得了一个成功的响应,包括一个权限ID。

Looking at the permissions from SharePoint, I can see that it successfully created a share link for the provided email address that grants the requested permission. However, the permission does not appear in the list of permissions for that item when I query them using Microsoft Graph, and when I query the created permission using its ID, I get a NotFound response.

查看SharePoint的权限,我可以看到它成功地为所提供的授予请求权限的电子邮件地址创建了一个共享链接。但是,当我使用Microsoft Graph查询它们时,该项的权限列表中并没有出现权限,当我使用它的ID查询创建的权限时,我得到一个NotFound响应。

My goal is to access the sharing link webUrl of the permission, but the response returned when I first create it has a null 'link' facet and there does not appear to be any way to retrieve the permission after it has been created or to access sharing links for the file.


Is this a bug or is there a way to access the sharing link for a permission granted to a file stored in a SharePoint document library?


Here are my steps:


  1. POST /sites/{siteId}/drives/{driveId}/items/{itemId}/Invite with request body:

    POST /sites/{siteId}/drives/{driveId}/items/{itemId}/Invite with request body:

      "requireSignIn": true,
      "sendInvitation": false,
      "roles": ["write"],
      "recipients": [{ "email": "{email}" }],
      "message": ""
  2. Reponse (Success - Status Code 200):


      "value": [
          "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.permission",
          "grantedTo": {
            "user": {
              "displayName": "{email}"
          "id": "{permissionId}",
          "roles": ["write"]
  3. I can verify from SharePoint that the permission was created for the email address and is associated with a specific sharing link


  4. GET /sites/{siteId}/drives/{driveId}/items/{itemId}/permissions/{permissionId}

    GET /网站/ { siteId } /硬盘/ { driveId } /项目/ { itemId } /权限/ { permissionId }

  5. Response (Failure - Status Code 404):


        "error": {
            "code": "itemNotFound",
            "message": "The resource could not be found.",
            "innerError": {
                "request-id": "f256c838-64fd-4679-b64f-7c62bf6ef178",
                "date": "2018-03-19T16:22:09"
  6. Permission is also not listed when querying the list of permissions for that item


1 个解决方案



After some fiddling around myself, I found the solution. The permissions isn't actually granted until the recipient clicks the link and "accepts" the invitation.


Try having your recipient click the link in the invitation and then check if you can find it.


Kind regards, R Schouten




After some fiddling around myself, I found the solution. The permissions isn't actually granted until the recipient clicks the link and "accepts" the invitation.


Try having your recipient click the link in the invitation and then check if you can find it.


Kind regards, R Schouten
