
时间:2021-07-05 15:15:53

I am getting 40 videos on load of page and using foreach loop for displaying, below is my html code of displaying video


<div id="videosList">
  <div class="video" data-id="{{$i}}">
     <div class="videoSlate">
         <video id="videoDiv{{$i}}" class="thevideo" 
             poster="/{{$postDetails->video_thumbnail}}" loop>
             <source src="/{{$postDetails->videos}}">
             Your browser does not support the video tag.

and on mouseover to video i am playing the video and on mouseout i am stopping the video here is the javascript code for play and pause


    var figure = $(".video");
    var vid = figure.find("video");
    [].forEach.call(figure, function (item) {
        item.addEventListener('mouseover', hoverVideo, false);
        item.addEventListener('mouseout', hideVideo, false);
    function hoverVideo(e) {
    function hideVideo(e) {
    $(function () {

each video size is not more than 6 mb, now the problem is for loading page it will take around 1 min, and for playing video on hover it will take around 15 to 20 seconds to play, is there any way to reduce the loading time and video playing time. I am using laravel framework, in local its working but in server it giving problem.

每个视频大小不超过6 MB,现在问题是加载页面需要大约1分钟,而在悬停时播放视频需要大约15到20秒才能播放,有没有办法减少加载时间和视频播放时间。我正在使用laravel框架,在本地工作但在服务器中它给出了问题。

1 个解决方案



I don't know why you need 40 videos in the same page, but I would not at all recommand that:




Youtube doesn't display 20 videos per page, but 20 placeholder images that are used as link to click on in order to display the video. It is pretty UX friendly, since loading time is considerably reduced (images instead of videos) and users can choose what they load.




Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc are using a scroll script, which loads videos only when they are visible by the user. This means that if there are 100 videos on the page, only one or two will be loaded and displayed, because this is useless to load stuff that the user can't see (even more if this is a heavy file, such as a video). This can be done with Javascript or jQuery (Here is a pretty cool question which gives you a solution).


I really recommand you to choose one of those two approach, since I can't figure out a case which requires to display 40 videos on one page with one load.




I don't know why you need 40 videos in the same page, but I would not at all recommand that:




Youtube doesn't display 20 videos per page, but 20 placeholder images that are used as link to click on in order to display the video. It is pretty UX friendly, since loading time is considerably reduced (images instead of videos) and users can choose what they load.




Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc are using a scroll script, which loads videos only when they are visible by the user. This means that if there are 100 videos on the page, only one or two will be loaded and displayed, because this is useless to load stuff that the user can't see (even more if this is a heavy file, such as a video). This can be done with Javascript or jQuery (Here is a pretty cool question which gives you a solution).


I really recommand you to choose one of those two approach, since I can't figure out a case which requires to display 40 videos on one page with one load.
