如何临时转换ASP.NET Ajax表单以不使用部分页面更新?

时间:2023-01-27 15:18:09

I need the ability to temporarily turn off the partial page update behavior for an ASP.NET Ajax / UpdatePanel based page. (The reason is to circumvent the issue where IE blocks "automatic file downloads" for downloads generated as a result of this postback, but I don't want to distract from my original question)

我需要能够暂时关闭基于ASP.NET Ajax / UpdatePanel的页面的部分页面更新行为。 (原因是为了避免IE阻止因自动回复而生成的下载“自动文件下载”的问题,但我不想分散我原来的问题)

I looked at the client side javascript libraries hoping to find a switch somewhere. I think a solution might involve using javascript to override the 'onclick' event handler for the control that acts as the trigger, and then calling "submit" on the form itself..


Also, using the EnablePartialRendering property on the server-side ScriptManager control won't work because that is done when the page is being built. I need to be able to do this as a result of switching a drop down list box.


Any ideas?


/ Sean

2 个解决方案


Well, after much trial and error, I found two approaches that seemed to work:


  • Use Javascript to manually submit the top level form associated with the page. This usually has the ID of "form1".
  • 使用Javascript手动提交与页面关联的*表单。这通常具有“form1”的ID。

  • Create a button that is outside of any UpdatePanels and use Javascript to click the button.
  • 创建一个位于任何UpdatePanel之外的按钮,并使用Javascript单击该按钮。

I wound up using the second approach, since it allowed me to handle the event with a specific routine without the need to guess that my postback came from a Javascript call.


This is an example of the code that performed the postback:


if (isDownload) {

Hope this helps someone else!



You can set the EnablePartialRendering property of your ScriptManager to false.



Well, after much trial and error, I found two approaches that seemed to work:


  • Use Javascript to manually submit the top level form associated with the page. This usually has the ID of "form1".
  • 使用Javascript手动提交与页面关联的*表单。这通常具有“form1”的ID。

  • Create a button that is outside of any UpdatePanels and use Javascript to click the button.
  • 创建一个位于任何UpdatePanel之外的按钮,并使用Javascript单击该按钮。

I wound up using the second approach, since it allowed me to handle the event with a specific routine without the need to guess that my postback came from a Javascript call.


This is an example of the code that performed the postback:


if (isDownload) {

Hope this helps someone else!



You can set the EnablePartialRendering property of your ScriptManager to false.
