使用Google Cloud Messaging云连接服务器(XMPP)的上游文件

时间:2022-09-26 15:15:32

I am implementing Real time Chat using GCM Cloud connection server. I have read the docs Upstream messages Using GCM.I learnt how to upstream message to my server via GCM.It is more reliable as we all know and better than sending messages to webserver via http.


But now i also want to upload files in chat.but the problem is GCM only allows to upstream maximum of 4KB message.I can use webservices or FTP to upload files to server and then pass the file name to server via GCM.but i want more appropriate solution.So is there any Way to do this via GCM cloud connection server.??


Thanks for the help in advance.


2 个解决方案



The solution that I'm using on this cases is:


1 - Use loopj library to send via POST the file to my server (php p.ex)

1 - 使用loopj库通过POST将文件发送到我的服务器(php p.ex)

// loopj supports Http Auth, cookies, params, multipart files, etc. So is a good solution. Like:

AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();
client.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.encodeToString("aaa:bbb".getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP));

RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
params.put("cmd", "upp");
params.put("uid", Long.toString(getUser().getId()));
params.put("tid", Long.toString(getUser().getIdTeam()));
  params.put("avatar", file); // File object
}catch(FileNotFoundException e){

SharePhotoHandler handler=new SharePhotoHandler(mContext,file,notificate);
client.post(URI_BASE, params, handler);

And I use a custom handler to control the file upload (SharePhotoHandler.class) where the app can control


  • onSuccess
  • onFailure
  • onFinish
  • ...

This methods must let you control the upload/download file state (ok, error, uploading, downloading, etc.)


After the file upload, the server must notificate to the other clients that there are a new file to download or on your "onSuccess" method send a GCM message to the other clients. In my case, the server sends to the other clients the filename (+URL) for download it.

文件上载后,服务器必须向其他客户端通知要下载新文件,或者在“onSuccess”方法上向其他客户端发送GCM消息。在我的例子中,服务器向其他客户端发送文件名(+ URL)以供下载。



you've asked:

So is there any Way to do this via GCM cloud connection server.??


And the answer for files with greater size than ~4k is - no!

对于大小超过~4k的文件的答案是 - 不!

Explanation: GCM mechanism consists lots of servers and bandwidth that costs Google lots of money. Despite it, Google has provided this world-wide service free of charge in order to encourage developers and users to use Android, by allowing them to get a more efficient experience.


Google knew that installing 10+ apps, while each one had to open a connection to a different server in order to get its updates, will slow down the device and will consume expensive bandwidth. So they've implemented the solution of GCM, and that way each device has only one service (Google's) that is constantly searching for updates (instead of many).


Because its a free service, Google had minimized the service to 4k of data. This is good enough because the app will get informed that an update awaits and can then connect to its company's servers to get those updates (instead of constantly searching for them).




The solution that I'm using on this cases is:


1 - Use loopj library to send via POST the file to my server (php p.ex)

1 - 使用loopj库通过POST将文件发送到我的服务器(php p.ex)

// loopj supports Http Auth, cookies, params, multipart files, etc. So is a good solution. Like:

AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();
client.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.encodeToString("aaa:bbb".getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP));

RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
params.put("cmd", "upp");
params.put("uid", Long.toString(getUser().getId()));
params.put("tid", Long.toString(getUser().getIdTeam()));
  params.put("avatar", file); // File object
}catch(FileNotFoundException e){

SharePhotoHandler handler=new SharePhotoHandler(mContext,file,notificate);
client.post(URI_BASE, params, handler);

And I use a custom handler to control the file upload (SharePhotoHandler.class) where the app can control


  • onSuccess
  • onFailure
  • onFinish
  • ...

This methods must let you control the upload/download file state (ok, error, uploading, downloading, etc.)


After the file upload, the server must notificate to the other clients that there are a new file to download or on your "onSuccess" method send a GCM message to the other clients. In my case, the server sends to the other clients the filename (+URL) for download it.

文件上载后,服务器必须向其他客户端通知要下载新文件,或者在“onSuccess”方法上向其他客户端发送GCM消息。在我的例子中,服务器向其他客户端发送文件名(+ URL)以供下载。



you've asked:

So is there any Way to do this via GCM cloud connection server.??


And the answer for files with greater size than ~4k is - no!

对于大小超过~4k的文件的答案是 - 不!

Explanation: GCM mechanism consists lots of servers and bandwidth that costs Google lots of money. Despite it, Google has provided this world-wide service free of charge in order to encourage developers and users to use Android, by allowing them to get a more efficient experience.


Google knew that installing 10+ apps, while each one had to open a connection to a different server in order to get its updates, will slow down the device and will consume expensive bandwidth. So they've implemented the solution of GCM, and that way each device has only one service (Google's) that is constantly searching for updates (instead of many).


Because its a free service, Google had minimized the service to 4k of data. This is good enough because the app will get informed that an update awaits and can then connect to its company's servers to get those updates (instead of constantly searching for them).
